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Results from the use of growth hormone

01 Nov 2017

The growth hormone, which almost instantly won a fairly high reputation in the sports pharmacopeia market, found its wide application in bodybuilding. With regular training and balanced nutrition this polypeptide bioregulator promotes the successful growth and maintenance of muscle mass.

Mechanism of action

Recombinant growth hormone, which is a product of genetic engineering, began to be used from the late 80s of the last century. During this time, he proved himself to be an effective drug with pronounced anabolic and lipolytic (fat-burning) properties.

Somatropin stimulates protein synthesis and enhances the transport of amino acids from the bloodstream to the cells. The effect of Growth Hormone is mediated by an insulin-like factor-1, anabolic-like, formed in the liver. The receptors for the protein-peptide biocatalyst are located on the cells of the muscle, fatty, connective, lymphoid and cartilaginous tissues, which allows it to participate in the regulation of growth and development of the whole organism.

HGH Effects

Conducting numerous clinical studies allowed to fix the following results from Growth Hormone:

Stimulation of the body's growth in length (up to 26 years) and increase in width and thickness of bones;

Growth of muscle and connective tissue mass:

Reduction of fatty layer and lowering of cholesterol level;

Increase the efficiency of assimilation of amino acids and enhance protein synthesis, leading to an increase in body weight;

Opposition to the age-related disintegration of muscles (catabolism);

An increase in the level of glucose in the blood and an obstacle to its absorption by tissues;

Increased peripheral circulation and contractility of the heart muscle.

Consequences of taking GH

Like any other hormonal drug, manufactured by the modern pharmaceutical industry, GH has side effects. However, it should be emphasized that they are observed quite rarely, and only if the dosage and duration of the course intake is exceeded, and also if poor quality, counterfeit products are used.

The consequences of Growth Hormone are reversible, that is, they are quickly eliminated after a dose reduction or course termination. The most common side effects include tunnel syndrome (pain and numbness of limbs due to the compression of the growing muscles of the peripheral nerves), increased blood pressure and blood glucose levels, and daytime sleepiness.

Feeling of weakness and a rise in body temperature is evidence of the use of a fake poor-quality product. Long-term abuse of growth hormone can cause acromegaly, lead to suppression of thyroid function and increase of internal organs. When using the drug in accordance with the instruction, side effects and adverse effects usually do not develop.

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