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Rectal – how it's like? Advantages and disadvantages of rectal administration of the drug

26 Oct 2016

"And rectally, how it's like?" - Asking patients, holding a drawn doctor prescription. Fortunately or unfortunately, many have come to terms with us already dead languages. Not all patients like this situation, when they can not even understand what and how it was scheduled. On the other hand, the Russian verbatim indications sometimes would look not so appropriate.

Four major drawbacks rectal administration of drugs.

However, the coin has another side. Once substances do not pass through the liver, which means they are all the same toxic and fall into the general bloodstream. Perhaps you've heard of enemas vodka or alcohol, which became fatal for the unlucky alcoholics. Now you know the reason, ethyl was not neutralized by the liver. Therefore, strictly follow these recommendations and you will not experiment with the dose.

The disadvantage would be the method must still be noted:

  • Of disgust and prejudice of the population.
  • The inability of the weakened patients or children to enter their own candle.
  • Difficulties arise with the implementation of the manipulation of a significant number of patients.
  • The need for advance preparation.

What is "rectal"?

Under the premise understood rectal administration of the drug, typically in the form of suppositories in the rectum. The method is suitable in many cases:

  • For infants who are unable to swallow tablets or capsules.
  • Seriously ill and being in an unconscious state.
  • Persons with mental disabilities.
  • With the localization of problems at the injection site.

Which is better to assign the baby?

It just so happened that the children are extremely reluctant to accept most of the drugs. This is due to the bitter taste of the tablets and problems with swallowing capsules. From a variety of tinctures and solutions, too, refuse because of the taste. The child may even flatly refuse syrup, even sweet. The alternative in the form of candles may seem barbaric to parents, but do not forget that the temperature is measured in neonates so. Yes and no harm, purely physiologically, manipulation does not inflict. But the acting of the drug gets into the bloodstream and the baby will start to have an effect.

You do not have to over half "fight" with a child, listening to constant tantrums, screaming.

Suppository and General Physical Condition.

Patients in serious condition are often prescribed drip and intravenous injection. However, not all drugs can thus enter. Sometimes it happens that a necessary tool is only available in tablets, capsules and suppositories. Making a sip or chew impossible, this additional stress and the likelihood of asphyxia. If the patient is put down, the capsule goes "the wrong way" - will have to deal with resuscitation already on this occasion.

Local action and mental disorders.

Psychiatric patients can be attributed to this category, but only conditionally. Some patients differ violent behavior during seizures with them are not always able to cope with even a few tall nurses. Neither of which the oral administration of drugs and can be no question. The patient soon bite the language itself and the fingers family doctor than swallow cherished Phenibut pill.

Of course, in such cases try to enter everything you need with a dropper, but it is not always possible. The problem rests in the presence of the dosage form. But if the patient worried about a disease associated with the rectum or large intestine, the active substance is faster and easier to just deliver it with the help of candles. Dissolving, and they have a local effect.

How it works?

But is there any sense in most manipulation? Maybe just Aesculapius doctors decided to make fun of ignorant patients and came up with this method a few hundreds of years ago? What if it does not provide any therapeutic effect, all the doctors just laugh at unlucky patients who likewise injected drugs yourself? In fact, in the rectum are hemorrhoidal vein and artery of the same name which form plexus. Being in close proximity to the lumen of the intestine, they are perfectly absorb drugs and direct them into the bloodstream, bypassing the liver.

Pay attention to this very important point, because it is the liver neutralizes alcohol, poisons and drugs. Getting through the circulatory system in the body, the substance binds to and eliminated from the body without causing any effect. Of course, it is impossible to achieve absolute efficiency and some of the drugs that pass through the liver, yet changes the metabolism and other processes.

But with rectal administration, the percentage of active elements really increasing dramatically.

It turns out that the rectum, it is possible more rapid absorption of the drug with maximum efficiency. So do not get too nervous when you see these words in his appointment or prescription.

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