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Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)

19 Dec 2016

Pyridoxine is the main form of Vitamin B6. Represents colourless crystals, soluble in water. B foodstuff vitamin B6 meets in three types: pyridoxine, pyridocsal, pyridoxamine which practically don't differ on the biological activity.

Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)

Biological effects of pyridoxine

  • takes out an abstinence syndrome after cancellation of stimulators
  • takes part in formation of elements of a blood - erythrocytes;
  • participates in assimilation processes by nervous cells of a glucose, improves work of a brain and stabilizes blood Saccharum level;
  • increases working capacity;
  • it is necessary for protein metabolism and a transamination of amino acids;
  • takes part in exchange of fats;
  • reduces cholesterin level;
  • renders lipotropic effect, enough a pyridoxine is necessary for normal functioning of a liver.

Pyridoxine in sport

Synthesis of proteins, body height of muscles and utilization of carbohydrates are possible only with the participation of a pyridoxine. Also as in a case with Thiaminum, researches show that bodybuilders and other weight-lifters need the raised pyridoxine doses. Additional reception of B6 vitamin promotes augmentation of productivity and endurance. You can buy online - Vitamin B6 pyridoxine injection.

NotaBene! The pyridoxine is important most in bodybuilding, among all vitamins there are groups B, and on it there are two main reasons. First, because it is the only vitamin which is closely bound to consumption and absorption of protein: the more a squirrel you accept, the need for B6 vitamin is more. Secondly, the pyridoxine is directly involved in body height of muscles what forget about or many athletes don't know.

Pyridoxine in food

B6 vitamin contains in many products. Especially a lot of B6 vitamin contains in grain sprouts, in walnuts and a filbert, in spinach, potatoes, carrots, a color and white cabbage, tomatoes, strawberry, sweet cherry, oranges and lemons. B6 vitamin contains also in meat and dairy products, fish, eggs, grain and bean. Besides B6 vitamin is synthesized in an organism by intestinal micro flora.

Content of B6 vitamin in some foodstuff

Product - Content of B6 vitamin, mg / 100 of a product

Barms – 4.0

Corn – 1.0

Haricot – 0.9

Meat – 0.8

Rice integral – 0.7

Cheese – 0.7

Hens the 2nd category – 0.61

Wallpaper wheat flour – 0.55

Millet – 0.52

Fish – 0.4

Buckwheat – 0.4

Beef of the 2nd category – 0.39

Pork meat – 0.33

Peas – 0.3

Potatoes – 0.3

Eggs – 0.2

Vegetables – 0.1

Recommended doses

Admissible level of consumption of B6 vitamin

The daily need for a pyridoxine at the adult is equal to 2,0 mg. At occupations bodybuilding it is possible to increase a dose to 10 mg a day. The most admissible dose is 100 mg a day. The phenomena of hyper vitamin come, usually, at doses higher than 100 mg.

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