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21 Dec 2016

Protodioscin is a saponin with steroid structure, found in some types of plants. Protodioscin contains in large numbers in Tribulus terrestris, and also in Trigonella and Dioscorea. Protodioscin is applied in sport (bodybuilding and power lifting) to increase in power indicators and muscle bulk, and also as aphrodisiac.

In the market of sports food protodiostsin is on sale as the Tribulus terrestris extract standardized under a certain percent of active agent. You can try Bonomarlot.


In researches on the isolated fabric it was revealed that protodiostsin is capable to strengthen an erection, besides sexual activity and a libido increases.

Action mechanism of protodiostsin remains to unknown, however scientists assume that it is connected with increase in development of testosterone and other androgenic hormones (dihydrotestosterone and dihydroepiandrosteron), and also increase in release of nitrogen oxide which has vasodilating effect. In bodybuilding this property is very useful, so it positively affects not only an erection, but also food of muscles improves.

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