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Protein topography

31 Oct 2016

Biophysicist tells about the hydrophobic effect, the interaction of molecules and protein map. What are the ways of studying the molecular surfaces? What is the meaning of hydrophobic and hydrophilic surface proteins? And what is the essence of the method of protein topography?

If we know the three-dimensional structure of the molecule, we can quite easily (these methods are designed for a long time) to calculate the surface of the molecular system: molecules or supramolecular entity. For example, the surface available solvent molecules, usually it is a water molecules. The computer can calculate the coordinates of points, which will form a plurality of forming the molecular surface.

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If we know what it looks like from the point of view of the distribution of the hydrophobic-hydrophilic characteristics of the surface of the protein molecule, we can immediately tell if this surface some sites, sites that may be responsible for the interaction of the protein with other molecules. Typically, this hydrophobic region to the whole surface hydrophilic, water-soluble protein. In the formation of complex protein molecules interact with each other nonpolar portions. In this screen the nonpolar portions of water molecules, thus achieving free energy gain.

We project the surface properties of proteins on the surface of a sphere. Take protein, surrounded by a sphere, the surface of the sphere of projecting hydrophobic property, and then use map projections, which allows the surface of the sphere present on a plane.

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