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Prolonged peptides

21 Dec 2016

Prolonged peptides or "long" is obvious, the fraudulent share on artificial promoting of nonexistent peptide medicines of prolonged action, allegedly American origin. Total absence of scientific data and references in any media, magazines and other reliable sources of information (including western) about the prolonged peptides demonstrates that it is a scam. Information is distributed only on Russian-speaking resources.

According to statements of dealers duration of action constitutes 4 weeks and more.

Offered action mechanism:

At the expense of a formula of release and a biological basis, but not chemical as peptides of the previous generation, active ingredient 24 hours a day themselves and hourly, i.e., it is released in blood in a certain dosage throughout a long time, from 21 to 60 days. If to take for example pMG720, then the general equivalent of active ingredient in 30 days will constitute up to 288000 micrograms which are steadily working for you, and these are in turn 144 bottles on 2000 micrograms of a regular mechanical factor.

"Attention" At the moment doesn't exist the pharmacological technologies allowing achieving increase in time of effect of peptides at such term. Not to confuse to pegylated peptides (in names have the PEG prefix, or PEG). One of ways of increase in efficiency of medicines of proteinaceous structure is the chemical modification of their molecule consisting not in actually change of their structure, and in the physicist the chemical transformation reached by connection of a native molecule with polyethylene glycol (PEG). This process of connection of a native molecule of medicine with PEG received the name "pegilirovanie". Similar chemical modification of pharmacological medicines of peptide structure is selectively directed to improvement of their shipping, decrease in immunogenicity, increase in the period of their semi-life, and as a result of everything listed, to substantial increase of quality of life in the course of performing treatment. Nevertheless, the pegilirovanie allows increasing action duration from several minutes to one day, but no more. Please pay attention to Gotratix.

The list of the offered prolonged peptides includes:

  • Erythropoietin Long (pEPO720) Erythropoietin
  • Mechanical factor of growth Long of the version (pMGF720) Mechano Growth Factor
  • Insulinopodobny factor of growth (pIGF720), Insulin-like Growth Factor
  • The prolonged hormone of growth pHGH720
  • For all products dosages on 200 or 400 mkg are specified

Gene mechanism of action

There is a hypothesis that long are a gene dope, namely nucleotide enkhanser or factors of a transcription which start broadcast of certain genes. However it isn't true as nucleotides have nothing in common with peptides. Secondly, enkhanser and proteinaceous to - activators of the genes coding endogenous peptides (IGF-1, MGF, GR or erythropoietin) aren't developed that it is simple to check on scientific base PubMed.

Plasmid DNA

Also affirms that the prolonged peptides are genetic engineering vectors, namely plasmid DNA. Some compositions with plasmid DNA (for example, coding insulin like factor of growth) hold the patent - RU2372941. However their efficiency in case of intramuscular introduction is minimal.

The Problem is that in case of intramuscular entering of so-called naked DNA (naked DNA) they are almost not capable to get through a cellular membrane and, as a result, extremely low expression of genes of target peptides is observed. This approach was actively developed in the nineties the last century, but in view of lack of positive results isn't applied now.Clinically significant transfektion plasmids is possible only when using such methods as an elektroporation, a sonoporation, etc. 

Someone from the Luxembourg - just purchased the goods:
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