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Programmed cell death

22 Oct 2016

The biologist says about misapply of cell death, the role of apoptosis in the pathogenesis of cancer, and the prospects of research in Russia. We visited the laboratory study of apoptosis mechanisms in order to understand what is programmed cell death, the role it plays in the development of the human body and which research tasks are now facing scientists in this field.

There may be two violations of program cell death. First violation is due to the fact that the cells die very quickly, not when they want to die, and those cells die, which is necessary. This leads to a series of diseases. Above all, this disease, neurodegeneration associated with Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's, and other Hutchinson. A second example - a disease associated with HIV infection with impaired hematopoiesis, and so on.

The second type of violations associated with the fact that the cells do not die, then a large number of abnormal cells accumulate in the body or tissue. A striking example - it carcinogenesis when tumor cells are not killed are divided, and thus, the tumor appears. There is a whole series of blood diseases associated with it, autoimmune diseases, viral diseases. The problem with the following viruses: some viruses and bacteria cause cell death, while others, on the contrary, slow down the process. Therefore, two types of disease can be identified, too, leading either to accumulation of cells, or to their disappearance.

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Programmed cell death is very important for the development of the process of embryogenesis, development of the organism as a whole. Now a lot of work carried out on this subject, because the abnormal development of the body, abnormal development of the embryo due to a violation of the process of cell death. The second direction - is the pathogenesis of various diseases. We can first understand how the pathogenesis involves a violation of different cell death mechanisms. And the second point - as it can be used for specific effects on the mechanism to either slow down or speed up cell death.

Medicines for cancer are not, never was and never will be. One medication. Cancer - is a systemic disease that disrupts the work of many organs. Moreover, the tumor develops differently in different organs. Therefore, to find a drug that could be used against all tumors, unreal. In tuberculosis, for example, there is a drug that targets the Koch wand and fight against it. And now there is a problem with resistance. We need to find something to overcome resistance in the treatment of tuberculosis. In the treatment of cancer a lot of ways.

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