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21 Dec 2016

Progesterone is a female sex hormone produced by a yellow body of an ovary. By the nature is Progestine or gestagene. In a female body it is necessary, mainly, for maintenance of pregnancy and a regulation of a menstrual cycle.

At men Progesterone is also produced in small amounts by a cortex of adrenals and tissue of testicles, it carries out a series of important functions in organism. First of all, Progesterone is a precursor of other hormones. From it Testosteron hydrocortisone, neurosteroids and other important hormones are synthesized, takes part in work of the central nervous system.

With age the level of conversion of Testosteron in dihydrotestosterone at men increases, and it can lead to a good-quality hyperplasia of a prostate and even to tumoral process. Progesterone reduces risk of these diseases as naturally suppresses process of conversion of Testosteron.

Besides, with age at the male half of the population concentration of estrogens in a blood is enlarged. It is known that excess of estrogens in a male body can promote formation of a figure on female type, formation of fat, accumulation of liquid and depression of sexual function. Progesterone is something like a counterbalance for estrogens when its level is normal then concentration of estrogens doesn't increase. You can try Chitomur.

Norm of Progesterone at men according to analyses: 0.86-2.9 nmol/l

Changes in a male body happen only at appreciable fluctuations in Progesterone level which can exceed 100% and more from a normal amount. It can be bound to many reasons: way of life, level of physical activity, delivery, climate and many other factors. If at you the increased level of this hormone was taped, then it is desirable to repeat the analysis in 1-2 months. There are no specific diseases which could influence the level of this hormone considerably.

If Progesterone at men is raised

Perhaps appreciable is suppression of libido. Earlier, drugs on the basis of this hormone were effectively used as suppressors of a sexual instinct at men. They were entered to criminals for the purpose of depression of sexual desire.

The atrophy of testicles if the level of Progesterone is very high and it is observed for a long time.

Sterility occurs disturbance of maturing and development of new spermatozoon.

Disturbances of carbohydrate metabolism, in rare instances

At this state it isn't necessary to apply anabolic steroids with progestin activity: Nandrolonum, trenbolone and others. Special drugs which block progesteron receptors Antiprogestagena are developed

Useful effects

  • There are also positive effects: Progesterone in male body can render if doesn't exceed normal concentration:
  • Strengthens bones
  • Reduces the level of conversion of Testosteron in dihydrotestosterone
  • Prevents a prostate cancer (at this disease even drugs on the basis of Progesterone are used)
  • Interferes with rising of level of estrogens
  • Regulates Saccharum level in a blood
  • Regulates exchange of liquid in an organism
  • Protects from cardiovascular diseases
  • Supports function of a brain (protecting myelin covers)
  • Normalizes function of a thyroid gland
  • Improves properties of a skin
  • Promotes a healthy sleep
  • And that the most interesting, the low level of Progesterone can lead to depression of a libido also.

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