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Problem of defective sound-pronunciation

18 Apr 2018

The problem of defective sound reproduction is also relevant in adulthood.

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Is it possible to correct the violation of sound reproduction in an adult? Of course!
But there are some conditions: to make the correct sound come into independent speech (automated), it is necessary to have a very great desire, and therefore motivation. Because in adulthood, the interactions between the articulatory zone of the cerebral cortex and the muscles of the articulation organs are already extremely strong (in contrast to preschool children, in which such connections, as they master the sounds of their native language, are just beginning to form). The sound setting in adults occurs, as a rule, faster than in children, but an adult will need more (in comparison with the child) the number of independent classes to fix the correct pronunciation and huge self-control at a long stage. With a positive attitude and some persistence, the new sound is automated and you will be self-sufficient, as all familiar will pay attention to your updated, clear pronunciation. Believe me, the efforts are worth it!

Another problem that an adult may face is a voice disturbance. Such violations can be organic or functional, arise rapidly (as a result of stress, disease, surgical intervention) or increase gradually. With this problem (especially with a sharp loss of voice), in no case should you delay the visit to the otolaryngologist, but against the background of the prescribed treatment, to the phoniatrist and the speech therapist. Here (as in the case of aphasia) the most important role is played by the time factor of contacting a specialist. In the future, the speech therapist will teach you how to perform the necessary vocal and breathing exercises to restore and strengthen the voice.

In adulthood, stammering is less likely to occur, most often in the remission stage it passes from childhood or adolescence. An adult can alleviate his condition by significantly reducing or completely eliminating the stumbling in speech under the guidance of a speech therapist. But since stuttering requires an integrated approach, it must be understood that along with the speech therapist needs to receive the support of a neurologist who will pick up a mild nerve-supporting treatment, and perhaps (with a pronounced stutter), recommend an additional examination. Often a good result is obtained if the psychologist also works in parallel with the patient.

Speech restoration in patients with aphasia is one of the most difficult areas of speech therapy with adults. Aphasia is amenable to logopedic correction, although the results depend not only on the qualification of the specialist, but also most significantly on the severity of the lesion of the speech centers of the cerebral cortex and the time to call on the speech therapist (extremely preferably the first six months or a year), as well as the patient's personal qualities and desire for lessons. However, with timely access to a specialist, there is the possibility of a significant restoration of speech functions. Speech therapist will conduct a survey and make a plan of work based on the causes of aphasia, since the methods of speech therapy correction for various forms of aphasia have their own peculiarities in each specific case. I assure you, at home, relatives and relatives will be able to deal with aphasias according to the tasks of the speech therapist, achieving good results in restoring speech.

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