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Pro-hormone - Adrenosteron (11-OXO)

24 Nov 2016

11-OXO - popular pro-hormone which is known also as Adrenosterone who was for the first time developed the Ergopharm company has now several clones which are issued by other companies - 11-test (Black China Labs) and 11-Sterone (Competitive Edge Labs). In spite of the fact that clones have lower price, Adrenosterone remains to one of the most expensive pro-hormones in the market. In an organism 11-OXO turns into 11 ketotestosterone which causes all effects.

11-OXO is the popular choice for beginners as has quite low risk of side effects and even if they happen, then have gentle reversible disposition. 11-OXO not melt in alfa-17 line items, it means that it isn't toxic for a liver.

Main effects

  • Increase in force
  • Increase in muscle bulk
  • Consolidation of muscles
  • Combustion of fat
  • Increase in venous sculpture
  • Decrease in pains in joints, elimination of crunch

Rate 11-OXO: doses and the mode of acceptance

Adrenosteron has a broad range of dispensing. Small doses 11-OXO allow to suppress the level of catabolic hormone of cortisol and to keep the muscle bulk whereas high doses 11-OXO cause significant growth in muscles and moderate loss of fatty weight.

There are three main options of dispensing:

  • 300 mg a day - are applied during drying and weight loss, to preserving muscle bulk. The safest dosage. In this case it is necessary to adhere to a diet for weight loss and it is desirable to accept sports food for weight loss.
  • 600 mg a day - are suitable for athletes who aim to increase power indicators and to receive a moderate increase of muscle bulk.
  • 900 mg a day - are used, mainly, in case of a set of weight. At the same time it is necessary to keep to a diet for a set of muscle bulk and it is desirable to accept sports food for increase in muscle bulk. The increase of dry muscle bulk can reach 5 kg a month.

It is necessary to remind that with increase in a dose of Adrenosteron the risk of side effects increases.

Adrenosteron's rate shall last 5-8 weeks (at most 9 weeks). The more a medicine dosage - the well there shall be a rate. Adrenosteron has quite short period of semi-destruction therefore the daily dose shall be divided 2 acceptances: in the morning and after a lunch. In days of trainings it is better to accept the second portion of medicine right after the training. Adrenosteron before going to bed isn't recommended to accept. You can buy Phenotropil online

It is desirable to include anti-estrogen (Nolvadeks or Klomid) in a rate. It is especially important for recovery of products of testosterone in an organism. Nolvadex in a dose of 10 mg a day from first week of a rate and 1-2 more weeks after a rate is usually used.

Harm for health

11-OXO (Adrenosteron) remain to one of the softest pro-hormones, side effects develop quite seldom, however sometimes, as well as at any other anabolic steroids, they can take place.

  • Reversible suppression of a libido
  • Acne
  • Rise in arterial pressure
  • Sleeplessness
  • Rise in level of cholesterol in blood
  • Suppression of products of own testosterone
  • The aching back pain after the training
  • Raising of enzymes of a liver (especially in case of overdose)

First of all it is necessary to watch the arterial pressure, function of a liver and lipidic profile of blood. Acceptance 11-OXO shall takes place in strict accordance with instructions of the producer. Adrenosteron can suppress products of own testosterone, especially if a long course with high doses is conducted.


Adrenosteron often combine with other anabolic substances. As 11-OXO low-toxif for a liver, it can be combined practically with any pro-hormones and anabolic steroids. At the combined reception, the dose 11-OXO shouldn't exceed 600 mg a day.

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