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Preparations of recombinant growth hormone

01 Nov 2017

Recombinant Growth Hormone is a pharmacological preparation obtained by genetic engineering, which is absolutely identical in its composition to natural human somatotropin. It has found wide application in the bodybuilding industry, as a means to increase dry muscle mass and fat burning. Currently, the modern market of sports products is almost "piled up" with various drugs of STG, in connection with which a person uninitiated in all subtleties, it is difficult to determine and make the right choice.

Artificial growth hormone

Preparations of the Growth Hormone are quite popular and not cheap products. Original pharmaceuticals that have undergone a complete purification procedure contribute to an increase in muscle mass, stimulate the burning of subcutaneous fat, and, at the same time, do not cause the formation of a large number of antibodies. However, because of the high cost, not everyone can afford them. As a consequence, in recent years, the number of cheaper fakes has significantly increased, on which unscrupulous producers earn very well.

The artificial growth hormone growth hormone, available in the Russian market, is registered under the following trade names:

Genotropin (USA);

Jintropin (China);

Ansomon (China);

Neotropin (China);

Norditropin (Denmark);

Humatrop (USA);

Sizen (Italy);

Biosome (Lithuania).

Preparations of Russian production are not currently produced.

These preparations of growth hormone plays a key role in skeletal muscle hypertrophy, contribute to the stimulation of lipolysis, increase the concentration of insulin-like growth factor and IRFSB-3 (IGF-binding protein), decrease intake fat depot triglycerides, reduced volume of blood plasma and tissue fluid, increase bone metabolism , Increase physical endurance and muscle strength.

To date, among the bodybuilders, the greatest popularity in the ratio of "price-quality" found such preparations of recombinant growth hormone as Ansomon, Higrothropin, Dzhintropin. The main advantages of this product include its pharmacological effectiveness, the absence of androgenic effects, low incidence of adverse reactions. The disadvantage of artificial somatotropin drugs is their high enough cost, and the ability to be addictive.

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