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Potencer (Empyreal Dragon)

28 Nov 2016

Potencer from Empyreal Dragon is the dietary supplement raising a potentiality and a sexual passion struggles with erectile dysfunction.

Potencer from Empyreal Dragon


1 capsule (750 mg) contains:

  • Hedysarum neglectum Ledeb (red root) of 200 mg, strengthens vessels, clears an organism of slags and toxins, recovers immunity.
  • Panax ginseng (ginseng root) of 300 mg.
  • Araliae tinctura of 200 mg, etc. Recovers immune system of the person, improves blood circulation and creates powerful protection against harmful external factors.


Medicine should be accepted on 1 capsule a day to or after food. He begins to act in 1-1,5 hours. 1 bank of medicine it is calculated for 40 days. The recommended course of treatment constitutes 2-3 months. On the termination it is necessary to take a break for 1 month then to continue treatment. The second stage can be finishing if the achieved result arranges. You can also like Cerebramin.

The complex only is contraindicated to people with idiosyncrasy to components. Excess of a regulation can lead to emergence of diarrhea, sleeplessness, hypererethism, increase in arterial pressure, a sleep disorder.

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