09 Dec 2016
Potassium is a mineral substance, metal, is the vital element for the person.
Potassium regulates acid-base equilibrium of a blood. He participates in transfer of nervous impulses, speeds up work of a series of enzymes, speeds up muscular work of heart, well influences work of a skin and kidneys. Potassium possesses protective action against undesirable influence of excess of sodium and normalizes blood pressure. For this reason in certain cases table salt is produced with potassium chloride addition. A potassium is capable to strengthen release of urine that is important at edemas and poisonings for fast removal of toxins from a blood.
Deficiency of potassium
Deficiency of a potassium can arise at plentiful loss of liquid, use according to indications of corticosteroids, diuretics (attention: treat group of dope!), etc. It is necessary to consider also that any stress with excess production of adrenocorticotropic hormone conducts to augmentation of loss of a potassium with urine, and the ability of an organism to potassium deduction taped in the spring sharply decreases in summertime.
Diagnostics of disturbances of potassium exchange is complicated as potassium level in blood serum isn't an indicator of its level in an organism. At appreciable deficiency of a potassium contents it in a blood can be normal or raised. Do not forget take Renisamin for better results.
It is considered to be: potassium level in blood serum ¼Ý¬ó/l has to suggest about 4 an idea of its deficiency, and the contents lower than 3,8 ¼Ý¬ó/l confirms hypopotassemia.
Salts of potassium are a part practically of all sports drinks, including especially rehydration.
Potassium in food
Food rich with potassium: potatoes, nettle, carrots, horse-radish, cabbage, red beet, onions. It is a lot of potassium in dried fruits, fruits, apples, grapes, bean.
Content of potassium in some foodstuff
Product / Content of potassium, mg / 100 of a product
Cocoa powder / 1689
Haricot / 1061
Peas / 873
Raisin / 860
Peanuts (peanut) / 732
Sorrel / 573
Potatoes / 568
Buckwheat / 380
Blackcurrant / 365
Peaches / 363
Grits / 362
Currant red / 350
Veal / 345
Walnuts / 309
Apricots are fresh / 305
Grain millet / 286
Green peas / 285
Red cabbage / 257
Cherry / 256
Grapes / 255
Radish / 250
Cauliflower / 210
Millet / 210
Bananas / 209
Potassium in bodybuilding
Potassium - the major electrolyte which in large numbers is present at muscle cells and works together with sodium. Potassium provides emergence of electric potential in muscle fibers and nervous cages without what reducing muscles isn't possible. Potassium participates in formation of glikogen inventory which is required at trainings.
The lack of potassium is most often shown by spasms and spasms which usually arise in muscles of the lower extremities, force of muscles decreases, there is dehydration.
Potassium for women
The research Arjun Seth and Yasmin Mossavar-Rahmani veiled in 2014 showed that additional reception of a potassium has a positive impact on health. At women the risk of a stroke decreases and life expectancy is enlarged. A potassium is in addition recommended to be accepted with the increased arterial pressure, especially at advanced age.
Recommended doses
Need of the adult for a potassium - 2-5 g/days. The over dosage of a potassium can be unhealthy, especially for work of heart.
U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends to consume to women 4,7 g of a potassium daily (mainly with food).
Drugs of potassium
Potassium drugs (Panangin) rank high in prophylaxis and treatment of a dystrophia of a myocardium owing to a chronic physical overstrain, and also diagnostics of its genesis (a test load potassium chloride).
However it is necessary to consider that drugs of a potassium reduce intra atrial, intra ventricular and HEY - conduction; therefore at retardation of LU of conduction at athletes (PQ> 0,22) and the expressed they need to be used with a certain share of care.
Prescribing potassium salts, it is necessary to take into account and their predilection to accumulation in an organism (especially against the background of a diet with the insufficient content of sodium). In this regard course use of salts of potassium (2-3 weeks at most) is more expedient then the break is necessary.
At urgent need single use of drug under the name a potassium-normin isn't excluded (synonyms: K-light, potassium Sodium chloridum), released in tablets on 1 g and tablets of the prolonged action on 1 g.
At purpose of drugs of a potassium it is necessary to consider: inorganic compounds of a potassium render irritant action on a mucosa of a stomach and an intestine (reception on an empty stomach of potassium chloride can cause even emergence of stomach ulcer and a duodenum; a chloride potassium in tablets especially negatively influences). Panangin (organic compound) is transferred better and is less toxic at long appointment.