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Post cycle therapy

20 Oct 2016

PCT - (Post cycle therapy, "Postcourse therapy") - a complex of medicines and sports additives which are applied in bodybuilding and strength sports for the purpose of a minimizirovaniye of side effects and complications after a cycle of steroid hormones or pro-hormones. Postcourse therapy is especially important when high doses of hormones are used or two or more anabolic medicines are accepted at the same time.

Literally PCT is meant by therapy after a cycle, however for convenience other components which are applied from the very beginning of a cycle have been included and formally aren't a part of PׁT

The purposes to a post course therapy:

  • Development of a natural hormonal background - conservation of the gained muscle bulk
  • Fight against a kickback phenomenon
  • Prevention of a feminization (gynecomastia).
  • Prevention of development of an atrophy of testicles and oligospermatism
  • Prophylaxis and depression of other side effects

Main PCT components

Anti-estrogen is divided into two classes:

Aromataza inhibitors (Letrozole, Anastrozol and others) - during a rate, for blocking the estrogenovykh of effects if the flavored medicines (testosterone is applied and it is extremely insignificant. Proviron according to many is weak inhibitor of an aromataza. 

Blockers the estrogenovykh of receptors (Tamoxifen, Clomifene) or Toremifen - after the termination of a rate within 2-3 weeks, for recovery of secretion of own testosterone. These medicines take a key position and are extremely important. Are applied after rates of any complexity.

The Horionichesky gonadotrophin - allows to prevent development of an atrophy of testicles and a desensitization of cages of Leydiga. It is applied on heavy rates, lasting more than 6 weeks. Introduction begins on 2-4 week of a rate (or the last 3-5 weeks) and continues before removal of anabolic medicine, then there is a transition to blockers the estrogenovykh of receptors.

Kabergolin (Dostinex) - Prolactinum secretion inhibitor. The progestinovykh of medicines (nandolone, trenbolone) which increase the level of Prolactinum responsible for the majority of side effects of these medicines is used on a rate. Usually each 4 days throughout everything the rate is accepted in a dose of 0.25 mg

Additional components

Testosteronovy boosters - help to restore a hormonal background. The beginning of reception falls on the moment of full removal of steroids and proceeds after it 2-3 more weeks with gradual dropping of a dose.

Gepatoprotektora - are used for protection of a liver against toxic influence of some steroids. The beginning of reception - the 2nd week of a cycle, the termination - the 3rd week after a cycle. Some prefer to apply them after a course. In the West this class of drugs isn't considered at all seriously as efficiency is poorly proved.

Omega-3 - for normalization of a lipide profile and level of a cholesterin, protection of heart and vessels. Also 2 more weeks after it are accepted during all course. You can also like Phenotropil

Hormone of body height and Peptides - excellent agents for conservation of the gained muscle bulk which can also weaken symptoms of alarm, a depression and the kardiovasuklyarnykh of complications after a cycle of anabolic steroids. However body height hormone drugs quite expensive and therefore not always join in post course therapy. A standard course of hormone of body height in time or after completion of reception of AAS is conducted. Read also creation of a course with peptides.

Hydrocortisone blockers - these additives suppress a catabolism and as much as possible keep muscles from destruction. The beginning of reception of these additives has to fall on the termination of a course of steroids and proceed 3-4 weeks. Unfortunately there are practically no highly effective agents in this category. From obligatory: ascorbic acid, protein, BCAA.

"Attention" Drugs of Zincum and the majority of vegetable additives are noneffective. Proviron isn't optimum drug for PCT.

All PCT components are compatible with each other. Sometimes, as PCT pro-hormones are offered, however it isn't correct because pro-hormones are in fact the same steroids. Thus, you prolong a course therefore the risk of complications increases.

The protocol and dosages of PKT

Postcourse therapy by blockers of estrogen is carried out always and only after removal of anabolic hormones! According to Michael Scally MD, the world expert on hormone replacement therapy, this key condition for successful restoration of an arch a pituitary body hypothalamus testicles. It is extremely desirable to carry out the analysis on the general Testosteron-Depotum to be convinced of low level and only then to begin administration of drugs of this group. According to different authors duration varies from 2 to 5 weeks, depending on extent of suppression of a pituitary body.

Clomifene dosages (days*dosage).

  • 3*150/12*100/15*50/15*25 - very serious course.
  • 15*100/15*50/15*25 - serious course.
  • 30*50/15*25 - average course.
  • 15*50/15*25/15*25 (time in two days) - a mild course.
  • 15*50/15*25 - oxandrolone, the methandrostenolone, methenobosoms, stanozolol, shouted Turinabol (normal).

Toremifen's (days*dosage) 

  • 3*120/12*60/15*30/15*15 - very serious course.
  • 15*60/15*30/15*15 - serious course.
  • 30*30/15*15 - average course.
  • 15*30/15*15/15*15 (time in two days) - a mild course.
  • 15*30/15*15 - oxandrolone, the methandrostenolone, methenobosoms, stanozolol, shouted Turinabol (normal).

Tamoxifenum dosages (day*dosage) - "Attention" CAN not be USED AFTER COURSES of Nandrolon and Trenbolon!!!

  • 3*80/12*40/15*20/15*10 - very serious course.
  • 15*40/15*20/15*10 - serious course.
  • 30*20/15*10 - average course.
  • 15*20/15*10/15*10 (time in two days) - a mild course.
  • 15*20/15*10 - oxandrolone, the methandrostenolone, methenobosoms, stanozolol, shouted Turinabol (normal).

Other drugs:

for prophylaxis of splashes in Prolactinum (after courses of Nandrolon and Trenbolon) Kabergolin (Dostineks, Alaktin, Agalates, Bergolak), on 0,25 mg once in four days, for one or one and a half months is used;

won't damage: Vitamin E - 200-400 ME in days in the first month of PKT, Zincum - 50 mg a day, Tribulus עוננוסעונטס, 750-1000 mg in terms of furastanolovy saponina.

PCT from Dr. Michael Scally

The postcourse therapy from Dr. Michael Scally published in the book William Llewelly's Anabolics 10th the edition. The scheme was developed by doctors of Program for Wellness Restoration (PoWeR) and with success is applied to treatment of a gipogonadizm after androgenic replacement therapy. Efficiency is confirmed by clinical trial. This therapy is recommended after each "heavy" rate of anabolic steroids if the gonadotrophin wasn't applied during a rate. The original scheme was updated in 2010, but according to statements of Dr. Michael Scally changed slightly. Now it is offered to use a gonadotrophin in a dose of 2000 mg instead of 2500 for 20 days and the dosage of tamoxifen constitutes 20 mg.

The general duration of therapy - 45 days.

  • 1-20 day: 10 pricks of HGCh on 2000 ME, every other day, before going to bed. 
  • 1-30 day: Klomid (clomifene citrate), 50 mg, 2 times a day.
  • 1-45 day: Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate), 20 mg, 2 times a day.

"Attention" Should be noticed that least the PKT safe program since HGCh is involved;

it can't be used on PKT in the absence of real medical indications.

Treatment begins after removal of anabolic medicine. Approximate time of removal is specified in the drawing. If HGCh was entered into rate time, then as a part of PKT it isn't required as sekretorny function of testicles will be kept.

Why it is necessary to use clomide and nolvadeks together.

PCT from Yuzhakov Anton

Post course therapy begins after completion of effect of medicines (it is necessary to watch a half-life period of the longest medicine). Also before PKT it is necessary to find out Estradiol and Prolaktin's level. If the estradiol is raised - to accept aramataza inhibitors to lower an estradiol, at the raised estradiol restoration will take more time. At the raised Prolactinum to use cabergolin, the raised Prolactinum will also slow down restoration.

The weak course One from two medicines.

  • Tamoxifen of 20 days on 20 mg + 15 days on 10 mg
  • Clomifene of 20 days on 50 mg + 15 days on 25 mg

Strong course or long One of two medicines.

  • Tamoxifen of 20 days on 30 mg + 15 days on 20 mg + 10 days on 10 mg
  • Clomifene of 20 days on 100 mg + 15 days on 50 mg + 10 days on 25 mg

Very strong course All medicines.

  • Tamoxifen – 20 days on 30 mg.
  • Clomifene - 20 days on 100 mg. + 15 days on 50 mg + 10 days on 25 mg.

If on a course there was a medicine the tamoxifen raising Prolactinum can't be used.

Example of post course therapy

The classical rate of testosterone of an enantat with transition to the last two weeks to Testosterone propionate is given above to support the fixed level of testosterone. However adequate pharmacological maintenance allows to reduce risk of side effects and to considerably increase efficiency.

Aromataza inhibitors - allow to exclude a ginekomastiya and to increase concentration of testosterone due to blocking of conversion in estrogen. It is necessary to ispolzovat low dosages to keep the level of estrogenic hormones within reference values. Instead of an anastrozol it is possible to apply other analogs. It is desirable to make analyses on estrogen proceeding from what need for application of news agency is determined.

The gonadotrophin allows to keep sensitivity of testicles to endogenous gonadotropny hormones. It is scientifically proved that application of a gonadotrophin on a rate allows to be recovered much quicker. On months-long rates it is entered constantly, at the same time specialists recommend to do 2x a week break after 3-5 weeks of application. However, there are also scientific proofs that application of HGCh on a rate of steroids will surely cause increase in an estradiol in blood to ultraboundary level that in turn will provoke side effects therefore most of physicians doesn't justify application of a gonadotrophin during a rate of androgens at all.

Tamoxifen - the main medicine for postcourse therapy. The estrogenovykh of receptors in a hypophysis allows to start secretion of own testosterone by blocking, but clomifene and toremifen are more preferable options.

Hormone of growth and peptides - are the minor components necessary for suppression of a postcourse catabolism.

If at the end of a rate short air with bystry elimination half-life is used (for example, testosterone propionate), or oral medicines, then entering of a gonadotrophin and blockers of an aromataza stops together with the use of anabolic medicine. PKT begins anti-estrogen in 3-4 days when in an organism concentration of the transferred funds is reduced to a minimum.

Progestirone courses

As already it has been told above, progestirony medicines - a sound board, trenbolone have some progestagenny activity that leads to increase in level of Prolactinum in this connection the libido decreases, there is a liquid congestion, the prolaktinovy ginekomastiya is possible. Kabergolin allows to prevent these side effects almost completely.

Instead of tamoxifen it is recommended to apply klomide (in drugstores it is available under the branded name of Klostilbegit) or more modern and safe עמנולטפום (Fareston) in view of the fact that tamoxifen increases sensitivity the progesterony of receptors.

The blocker of an aromataza is necessary as as a part of a course easily flavored testosterone.

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