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17 May 2016

Everyone loves a variety of "miracle pills" because human laziness is limitless. So let's start with the delicious theme as "Piracetam". You will learn: what is this drug, how it works and when it is effective, what effects and when to expect.

A little history of piracetam

Almost all drugs are created for the treatment of any disease. Piracetam appeared back in 1973, the drug was positioned as a medicine for the treatment of brain, namely: the treatment needed blood disorders, memory loss, Alzheimer's disease, etc.

Unfortunately, human patients, the drug, for the most part turned placebo "empty shell." But this was the first of its kind nootropics. Ie drug potentially improving brain function, and we prove that it is effective. It refers to a derivative of pyrrolidone.

How does Piracetam work?

Ideally, to understand the operation of piracetam, you need to understand how the brain works in principle. So, there is as yet a terrible word for you - "acetylcholine." This neurotransmitter i.e. it participates in the transmission of nerve impulses in the different cells, and starts to be generated in response to a new experience or training. Roughly speaking, when you're reading this, your eyes transmit a signal through the receptors in your brain and the person who produces less acetylcholine is less assimilate information.

If there is a significant lack of acetylcholine, then again, Alzheimer's disease and memory loss. Acetylcholine is responsible for learning and training, the formation of memory, sensory perception, muscle movement, and many other tasks. So, piracetam improves the functioning of the neurotransmitter in particular, Acetylcholine, and thus participates in the processes of memory and development. Or, scientifically speaking, piracetam works as a positive allosteric modulator of acetylcholine and enhances the action of acetylcholine receptors.

We should note also other neurotransmitters: dopamine, glutamate. Dive in them until we say only that they are responsible for learning, mood and concentration in focus. They also affect piracetam as acetylcholine. That is why the instructions from piracetam written "Increases the effect of psychostimulants." Piracetam is excreted by the kidneys, through 4-7 hours.

Whether Piracetam is Effective?

Piracetam is effective when there is a stimulation of the brain, in other words - when you read / draw / think / learn / solve problems, etc. For the "start of acetylcholine" these actions are necessary, otherwise piracetam no one will be affected. If the common man shot up with steroids, sit on the couch and wait for it, without effort, reach the level of a professional bodybuilder - this at least, stupid. Now remember, on whom most of the studies conducted piracetam - the sick and the elderly. Do you really think that they are parallel to something taught? Most likely it was watching TV or reading newspapers, there was a serious load on the brain - was not and acetylcholine.

Dosage and side effects

This nootropic is relatively safe, it is worth to say, that a lethal dose of piracetam is greater than 0.5 kg. Salt, in this context, it is more dangerous. Usually take piracetam in the dosage of 800 mg in the morning, lunch in the 800 mg, 400-800 mg in the evening. Some of these numbers increase by 1.5-2 times. The course of 1.5-2 months, then a break, but which can be replaced by another class of nootropics. In renal failure the intake of piracetam is not desirable.

What effect you will have?

It is hard to feel due to the fact that it acts by increasing. You will feel that "it does not work, I have always been so," but it is not. More specifically, you’ll cram in more information than usual, and, in addition, you will be much interested in the expense of dopamine, which also will be more. It is very convenient to learn languages, read books, etc.

What to wait for the effect?

Piracetam is cumulative, that is, the cumulative effect. Effect is expected after 2 weeks. But the advantage is that after the end of the reception, you will not return to the starting point, for about 1 month, the effect will remain.

Helping Piracetam

The general principle works like this: intensifies the effect of acetylcholine, which affects the ability to learn, improves the efficiency of acetylcholine. It is logical to assume that the "as if not only affect acetylcholine, but also to increase it physically, I will Megamind?". Partly, it's true - the effect will be better. How to make more acetylcholine? Lecithin! Usual dietary supplement. Lecithin contains choline, which is under the influence of vitamin B5 becomes acetylcholine! You can also take a supplement DMAE, lecithin is improved.

And at the end of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). This barrier - it's the thing that keeps you from completely dirtied your budding brain, it "does not admit" poisons and toxins to your gray matter. And Lecithin it goes well, because if adopted also this supplement, try to lead a healthy lifestyle. To the brain gets only the best.

P.S. Piracetam enhances neuromuscular connection! From this it follows that it is, in fact, is a good support in gaining new experience, and it does not matter, it is knowledge or physical exercise.


  • 1.The drug is working, one of the safest and cheapest.
  • 2.The effect is a better memory, just like you put a little better processor and RAM.
  • 3. Effect after 2 weeks. Drink 2 months at 2 - 2.4 grams per day.
  • 4.Not advisable in case of problems with the kidneys.
  • 5.Without your action, without training, nootrop this will not work.
  • 6.Drink with lecithin (sold in pharmacies), 1.5 - 2 grams per day and vitamins of group B.
  • 7. It is advisable to take a foreign piracetam - Nootropil. Well, or any foreign language.
  • 8.Do not read a lot of reviews, you do not know how people took the drug, what, for how long, etc.

Good luck in your studies!

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