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Picamilon - It helps with migraines, complex treatment

26 Nov 2016

Advantages: low price, good effect, and prevention of migraine headaches meteodependent

Disadvantages: There are side effects

“Picamilon” appointed me several times. “Picamilon” prescribed for both children and elderly patients.

I had a migraine, I was very bad, to nausea. Thus it is impossible to predict seizures, also impossible to work with them.

Picamilon I was appointed to improve the state between migraine and between them.

I took pills 3 times a day. I later realized that my condition improved. The attacks began to come a little less often, and they are easier to carry, they lasted less. And most importantly, between bouts of my condition has improved significantly. I began to sleep better, think better, even an ordinary headache has passed.

As it turned out later, “Picamilon” helps with the usual headaches. For me personally, there is a certain dependence on weather. Apparently, when changing atmospheric fronts, it kind of affects the vessels of the brain. pain appears. Not strong, it can safely tolerate, even to forget about it, but it sometimes goes into a stage of the ripple when it is enhanced, it weakens. 2 tablets “Picamilon” immediately relieve this condition.

Now my head hurts less. The drug improves memory.

Usage time: 2 years

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