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Picamilon - helps, forging sleep

03 Dec 2016

Advantages: without prescription, forging sleep, helps with depressive states, a surge of strength and energy, increases efficiency, improves quality of life, improves memory, low price

From the adolescent I have vegeto-vascular dystonia, which subsequently passed into asthenic-neurotic syndrome. Plus, scoliosis, and protrusion of the cervical spine. From here frequent headaches (migraine), which lasts for two days, with nausea, loss of appetite, weakness. Painkillers are of little help.

Neurologist appointed me Picamilon in combination with other drugs.

The effect of the reception pikamilon noticeable in the first days of reception. First - a burst of energy, and secondly the pace accelerated mental processes, I became more attentive, improved memory. And even noticed that when I read something to delve into every word and understand the text immediately. Since you probably happened is, for example, when prepared to exam, read the book and do not understand, does not comprehend the text. And then I had to read again and again. And now, all cut in, did not even interest me text remains in my memory.

Third sleep improved, but at the same time began to dream dreams unreal bright. And what is most interesting, I began to remember them. And not just to remember the feeling that I experience all of reality.

Fourth - it reduces the symptoms of asthenic-neurotic syndrome - removes excessive anxiety, suspiciousness.

In general, I can say that the product is excellent, even though the fact that it does not affect any headaches. For that I am now feeling fine, I'm full of strength and energy. The side effects described in the instructions I had not. Now I regularly every six months to take "Picamilon".

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