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Picamilon - helps

26 Nov 2016

Advantages: effective, not expensive

Disadvantages: there are contraindications

Once we have the whole family involved in an accident in 2008 in the Crimea, my husband suffered most. Two days lying in the emergency room unconscious, was between life and death. He had multiple injuries, as well as hemorrhage and brain contusion. He was treated for a long time recovering. It should be still on the account at the neurologist. Sometimes there are periods of exacerbation him and then he goes to the doctor. The doctor prescribes treatment.

Recently, he began to complain of severe dizziness. The doctor has appointed imaging of the brain and drank his pills Picamilon. They improve brain blood circulation and dilates blood vessels.

The husband takes them three times a day after meals. Who said that the head was spinning less.

Tablets are small, white. Assign their children already from three years. There are a number of contraindications.

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