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16 Dec 2016

Today will analyze known nootropic drug developed, as we have become accustomed in the Soviet Union. Generally, the USSR probably loved molecule GABA, the main calming neurotransmitter. And it strongly exposed to changes by modifying it by all means. If you think about it, in fact, many drugs and dietary supplements that contain GABA, were established in the Union. There has already been a review about Phenibut, also a derivative of GABA. And now it's time Picamilon, which affects not only the aforementioned neurotransmitter, and Niacin. At the beginning of a bit of history.

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The drug Picamilon has not been created for the astronauts, which is a little strange, but for ordinary people. Picamilon is synthesized from GABA and nicotinic acid (aka vitamin PP and vitamin B3) in 1969-70-ies of the last century in the Scientific-Research Institute of vitamins, which suggests that Picamilon is older than Phenibut, Phenotropil, and even Piracetam. It used it for people with disorders of cerebral circulation to speed recovery from injuries and for the treatment of depression. You can buy online Picamilon.

How does Picamilon act?

We must say at once that the drug is similar to Phenibut on the principle of action and effects, for this reason, we will compare them. However, the main difference is that GABA Picamilon molecule attached to niacin or nicotinic acid and GABA is Phenibutum in conjunction with enabling a phenyl group. Therefore, read the article about Phenibut, then everything will be even clearer.

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So, to understand the molecule GABA and nicotinic acid. What is known about them today.

GABA - inhibitory neurotransmitter type, it calms you and concentrates, focuses. It is produced in and of itself, depending on your emotional state, therefore, on the verge of jumping out of an airplane with a parachute, it will be produced, perhaps, in the last instance. This neurotransmitter may be obtained "from the outside" in the form of a conventional additive, it is sometimes very convenient, when everything in the plane shaking with fear, waiting their turn to jump, and you have barely increased heart rate.

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That's why we compared Phenibutum with terminator, since in addition to GABA, and there is still a net stimulant, serenity and determination. But the simple addition of GABA need to eat a lot, really a lot, so that it penetrated the blood-brain barrier - the protective system of the brain.Phenibut and Picamilon GABA attached to other substances that facilitate the process of penetration into the brain, and therefore the working dosage of these drugs is not calculated grams. In the case of Picamilon second matter - Nicotinic acid.

In the body, Vitamin PP becomes Nicotinamide, it is peculiar:

  • 1.As we have seen, Niacin helps to go through the BBB.
  • 2.Vasodilation, improving blood circulation, pressure reduction. It is very important and useful for learning effects. The brain is filled with blood, the muscles during exercise. Washed out harmful metabolites from the brain, simply pass nutrients, the same glucose or vitamins that can not fail to delight our gray matter, that loves to consume energy in large quantities, especially when you are engaged in intellectual activity.
  • 3.Energy. Vasodilation besides glucose also results in better oxygen delivery to the tissues of the body, and the oxygen and glucose - is the basis for creation of ATP energy. But this is not the stimulation! That Phenibut - stimulation, and then, rather as in physics, the potential energy.

It is also worth to say that nicotine and Niacin - a different matter. Cigarette smoking - is one way to replace nicotinic acid. Nicotine - is, in fact, an analogue of Nicotinic acid in the plan of action on the brain, blood vessels expand, but much more harmful and addictive. And in order to "relax", smokers will need over time to smoke more cigarettes.

Picamilon, Piracetam, Phenibut, GABA buy

Generalize the work of Picamilon: acting through GABA and nicotinic acid: GABA inhibits you, as nicotinic acid or vitamin B3, dilates blood vessels, participates in the production of ATP and GABA drags through the BBB. P.S. Picamilon is water soluble, so can your colleagues at work / study turned into a zombie terminators, to mix the drug in general cooler with water. (This is a joke! And that little, if ...)

The course of Picamilon

As with Phenibut, Picamilon should not take more than 3 weeks in a row. Although the instructions specified rate of receiving up to 2 months, but we are not sick people, Picamilon is not prescribed, because the reception and the term will be shorter.

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The dosage will vary between 80-120 mg / day. Those who wish to simply improve mood, to be more attentive, may restrict 80-100 mg / day, to fight depression, loss of strength - 120 mg. Receiving equal portions during the day. It is desirable, after a meal.

Contraindications - acidity of the stomach and back, kidney problems. Side effects of Picamilon: rash, dizziness, and irritability.
And another important point, any medications and supplements on the basis of GABA can cause serious addiction, at elevated dosages and long terms. If you want to protect yourself once again, you take the lower limit of the specified dosage, or 80 mg / day.

Effects of Picamilon GABA buy

Picamilon is really similar to Phenibut by its effects. Here we have improved mood, nervousness disappears, fear, as the "turn off" all of the excitement. You become more calm and relaxed. It helps to fight oppression and shyness. High dosages can and does turn you into unconscious boa in a good mood.

The main difference lies in Phenibut of energy and stimulation. Phenibut gives you calms, removes fear and makes the activity, it is an easy, non-intrusive desire to act. Picamilon does not stimulate, but adds energy, ie it does not motivate you as a Phenibutum but creates resources for energy, produces ATP. Effects occur within 1-2 hours.

The help PicamilonPicamilon is interesting combined with neutral type of action on the psyche of additives or slightly challenging: Semax, Idebenone, Ginkgo Biloba, Piracetam, L-tyrosine, L-phenylalanyl, L- theanine. Do not disturb it with other drugs based on GABA: Phenibutum, Noofen, Pantogam, GABA, etc.

Bottom line:

  • 1.Picamilon is unusual nootrop with quite specific action.
  • 2.Effects: serenity, courage, energy (without stimulation), concentration and mental clarity. You'll know exactly what to do, no rush. 3. Course - up to 3 weeks, 80-120 mg / day, divided into 3 doses.
  • 3.Course - up to 3 weeks, 80-120 mg / day, divided into 3 doses.
  • 4.You can take Picamilon with any not stimulant nootropics and without additives with effect on GABA.
  • 5.Recommendations as to Phenibut. Suitable for the quality rather than the quantity, if there is no time limitation.

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