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Phenylpiracetam Indications

02 Jul 2018

Phenylpiracetam - Nootropic drug. Has expressed posed anti-amnesic action activates the integrative activity of the brain, helps memory consolidation, improves concentration and mental performance, facilitates learning processes, accelerates the transfer of information between the hemispheres of the brain, increases resistance brain tissue to hypoxia and toxic effects, possesses anticonvulsant activity and anxiolytic activity, regulates the processes of activation and inhibition of CNS, improves mood.

  • CNS disease of various origins, especially diseases of vascular origin or associated with disorders of metabolic processes in the brain and intoxication (particularly in post-traumatic States and phenomena of chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency), accompanied by a deterioration of intellectual-mnestic functions, reduced motor activity;
  • neurotic States manifested lethargy, increased exhaustion, decreased psychomotor activity, impaired attention, memory impairment;
  • violations of learning processes;
  • mild to moderate depression;
  • psychoorganic syndrome, manifesting intellectual-mental disorders and apatico-belicesco symptomatology, as well as state in state in schizophrenia;
  • convulsive States;
  • obesity (alimentary-constitutional Genesis);
  • prevention of hypoxia, increasing resistance to stress;
  • correction of the functional state of the body in extreme conditions of professional activity in order to prevent the development of fatigue and improve mental and physical performance;
  • correction daily biorhythms, regulation cycle "sleep-Wake";
  • chronic alcoholism (to reduce the symptoms of asthenia, depression, intellectual and mnestic disorders).

Phenotropil is characterized by low toxicity, the lethal dose in acute experiment is 800 mg/kg. No carcinogenic action.

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