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25 Oct 2016

Phenotropil (chemical - to 4-fenilpiratseta) - drug with nootropic action, in addition has psychogogic, anticonvulsant, anti-hypoxemic and anti-hypertensive properties. Possesses adaptogenny action at various models of a stress. Phenotropil warns an overload of higher nervous activity at information overloads in an experiment at the highest animals, normalizes a daily biorhythm of indicators of sympathoadrenal system. Represents chemically advanced formula of Pyracetamum.

Phenotropil in sport

Medicine possesses the obvious activating action owing to what it was entered in the list of the forbidden substances by the World anti-doping agency. So in 2006 the Russian biathlonist Olga Pyleva was disqualified for 2 years. In August, 2008 one more Russian athlete (obstacle race) Roman Usov is disqualified.

By experience of application in sport it is possible to tell with confidence that it is one of the few medicines which effect is really felt. For 2-3 day of acceptance there occurs noticeable increase in endurance, physical activity and power indicators. It is recommended to accept in 3-7 days prior to competitions, in a dose of 200-500 mg a day. In case of a set of muscle bulk it is undesirable as phenotropil moderately reduces appetite and promotes weight loss.

It is worth noticing that phenotropil it is extremely effective for increase in intellectual activity during preparation for examinations or other heavy cogitative activities. Considerably the need for a dream decreases, assimilation and information processing improves. For these purposes is accepted according to the instruction.


Pharmacological action

Nootropic medicine, possesses the expressed antiamnestichesky action, exerts the direct activating impact on integrative activities of a brain, promotes memory consolidation, improves concentration of attention and cerebration, facilitates training activity, increases information transmission rate between cerebral hemispheres, increases resistance of tissues of brain to a hypoxia and toxic influences. Possesses also anticonvulsive and anxiolytic action, regulates activation processes and braking of TsNS, improves mood. Exerts the positive impact on exchange processes and blood circulation of a brain, improves a regionarny blood-groove in ischemic sections of a brain, stimulates oxidation-reduction processes, increases energy potential of an organism due to the best utilization of glucose. Increases concentration of noradrenaline, dopamine and serotonin in a brain, doesn't influence the maintenance of GAMK, doesn't communicate neither with GAMKA, nor with GAMKB receptors, doesn't exert noticeable impact on spontaneous bioelectric activity of a brain. Doesn't influence respiratory and cardiovascular systems, shows not expressed diuretichesky effect, has anoreksigenny activity in case of course application. Stimulating action of medicine is shown in ability to render the expressed effect concerning motive responses, in increase in physical working capacity, in the expressed antagonism to cataleptic action of neuroleptics, and also in loosening of expressiveness of somnolent effect of ethanol and a geksenal. Psychostimulating action prevails in the ideatorny sphere. Renders some analgeziruyushchy effect, raising a threshold of painful sensitivity. Adaptogenny action is shown in increase in resistance of an organism to a stress in the conditions of excessive mental and physical activities, in case of exhaustion, a gipokineziya and immobilization, at low temperatures. Against the background of reception of medicine it is marked increase in visual acuity, brightness and fields of vision. Improves blood supply of the lower extremities. Stimulates framing of antibodies in response to introduction of an anti-gene, in too time doesn't promote development of hypersensitivity of immediate type and doesn't change the allergic response of skin caused by introduction of alien protein. In case of course application medicinal dependence, tolerance, a syndrome of "canceling" doesn't develop. Action is shown already in case of reception of a one-fold dose. Doesn't possess teratogenny, mutagen, cancerogenic and embriotoksichesky action. Toxicity of medicine a low, lethal dose - 800 mg/kg.


The CNS diseases bound to vascular diseases and disturbances of metabolic processes in a brain, intoxication (including posttraumatic states, a chronic cerebrovascular failure), which are followed by deterioration the intellectual functions, depression of a physical activity. The neurotic states which are shown the flaccidity increased by an emaciation, depression of psychomotor activity, disturbance of attention, memory impairment. Training process disturbance. Depression mild and moderate severity. The psychoorganic syndromes which are shown intellectual disturbances and the apatiko-bulimic phenomena; states at schizophrenia. Convulsive syndrome. Obesity (nutritional and constitutional genesis). Prophylaxis of a hypoxia, rising of fastness to a stress, correction of a functional condition of an organism in extreme conditions of professional activity for the purpose of prophylaxis of development of a fatigue and rising of mental and physical working capacity, correction of a daily biorhythm, inversion of the cycle "dream wakefulness". An alcoholism (for the purpose of decrease of the phenomena of an asthenia, a depression, intellectual disturbances).


Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactemia period, children's care. A serious organic illness of a liver and kidneys, the serious course of arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, the panic attacks in the anamnesis, the acute psychotic states proceeding with psychomotor exaltation (risk of an exacerbation of alarm, panic, hallucinations and a delirium), allergic reactions to HP from group of a pirrolidon.

Side effects

Sleeplessness (in case of administration of drug 15 h are later). In the first 1-3 days: psychomotor exaltation, hyperemia of integuments, caumesthesia, Ad.Peredozirovk's rising. Treatment - symptomatic.

Route of administration and doses

Inside, right after food. An average single dose - 150 mg (100-250 mg), an average daily dose - 250 mg (200-300 mg), the maximum daily dose - 750 mg. The daily dose is divided into 2 receptions. Treatment duration - of 2 weeks up to 3 months. The average duration of treatment - 30 days. If necessary the repeated course in 1 month is possible. For working capacity rising - 100-200 mg once in the morning during 2 weeks (for athletes - 3 days). Nutritional and constitutional obesity: 100-200 mg once a day in the morning within 30-60 days.

Special indicatings

It isn't recommended to accept drug after 15 h. At excessive psychoemotional attrition against the background of a chronic stress and a fatigue, chronic sleeplessness, the single dose of drug in the first days can cause the sharp need for a dream therefore the patients who are on out-patient treatment are recommended to begin treatment in the days off.


Strengthens action of the HP stimulating a CNS, nootropic drugs and antidepressants.

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