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Phenibut Mild Antidepressant

31 May 2016

Most often Phenibut is a medicine, that prescribed kiddies with mental retardation, hyperactivity, and so on. It was prescribed to me by a gastroenterologist for adjunctive therapy in the treatment of acute gastritis. I drink Phenibut in one tablet at night. The product is soft, it does not cause addiction and dependence. It took me a feeling of irritation over trifles, anxiety, improved sleep and mood. Phenibutum is good for people suffering from VVD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) and meteodependent, especially in the fall when the weather has not been established.

I have not noticed no side effects. The doctor said that in this mode, it can be drunk for a long time. The child soon exams, try to give one tablet of Phenibut for the night.

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