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Pharmacy Pharmacology for amateurs: a review of drugs. Part 2

20 Oct 2016

3. Antioxidants

Antioxidants such as:

  • Riboxinum (applied on 2 tab. 3 r / d.)
  • Succinic acid (daily dose 2-4 gr.)
  • Vitamin E,
restore muscle after heavy physical exertion, improving the redox processes and eliminating accumulated in the course of the radicals that damage cells.

4. Preparations of energy action

Of the funds, increasing the energy potential of the cells was the most popular is Mildronate. It was Meldonium that made so much noise in the modern wars of doping. Mildronate increases the energy potential of the cells due to the stimulation of oxygen transport into mitochondria.

Should take Mildronate 15 - 20 mg per 1 kg of body weight once a day, preferably 30 minutes before training. Recommended application rates - is from 6 weeks to 3 months. Then you must be sure to take a break in the reception, in order to the drug has not developed a resistance.

Trimetazidine in its properties very similar to the popular drug Mildronate. It helps to increase oxygen capacity of the cells, improves intracellular energy, and prevents the action of free radicals and increases resistance to physical stress. Sodium adenosine triphosphate. Applied by intramuscular injection, also increases the energy potential of the cell.

5. Psycho-stimulants

Of the drugs that stimulate the central nervous system is best known Phenotropil and Nootropil (Piracetam). It improves nervous transmission between brain cells, enhancing their potential neurophysiological features. The drug has a tonic effect, and improves performance. It affects the metabolism of certain amino acids (alanine, aspartic acid, leucine, proline), macro-energy phosphates.

6. Vitamin and mineral complexes

Do not forget about vitamins. Increased physical activity required to increase their content in the daily diet. Although they do not affect directly on muscle growth, but vitamins are co-enzymes, ie substances that are absolutely involved in all processes of the body. With regard to dosage - is also fairly debatable and controversial issue. Personally, I recommend to my clients to use vitamin complexes for athletes. Dosages of active substances there is significantly more than in pharmaceutical equivalents.

That's basically all the things I want to talk in this review. But the market for pharmaceutical products is constantly expanding, so it is possible to be a continuation of this article. So good luck to you in sports and new achievements.

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