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PharmaCom Labs

23 Nov 2016

PharmaCom Labs – widely known pharmacological company, was founded in 2006 in Moldova. In 2012 the company made rebranding which includes restyling of all line of medicines, new line items also constantly appear. Production process of the PharmaCom Labs company is focused only on release of sports pharmacological products. The range of the medicines issued by Pharmak Labs is very extensive: injection and oral steroids, growth hormones, pro-hormones, anti-estrogen and many other medicines which can be met in the market of sports pharmacology. Not to confuse to Pharmak (Ukraine).

PharmaCom Labs

In 2014 PharmaCom Labs changed again design of packaging (now the expiration date is in injections not on a box as earlier, and on bank) and entered system of check of products on originality. The verification code is under a protective layer on a special sticker. Stickers in new batches glue on bank or on the blister. We erase a protective layer, we enter it on the website of producer.

If there is no sticker on the blister or on bank, it means earlier batch in which there was no similar protection yet.

Feature of the plant Pharmak Labsa profitable distinguishing it from competitors especially for professionals are high dosages of steroid medicines such as 600 mg on 1 ml testosterone of an enantat, sustanon, nandrolon a dekanoata; 500 mg on 1 ml of a boldenon and others. Also large amount of mixes and mixes. This very successful repozitsionirovaniye of a brand within the carried-out rebranding.

In the market of the CIS meets and the fake under a name Pharmak is a counterfeit of the Ukrainian production.


"Attention" Since 2015 shops and products PharmaCom Labs moves ahead unfair spam methods, including numerous fake comments on social networks that calls into question truthfulness of numerous positive reviews and reputation of the producer in general.

Vaccine for blocking of Myostatin

On May 23, 2016 Pharmacom Labs declared in the branch on the international MESO-Rx resource release of a vaccine (Myostatin blocker) under the name Pharmacom GEN M. The representative of the company didn't disclose production details, however it is obvious that the plasmid vector about a genome of animal Myostatin was applied to production, with the subsequent introduction in a bacterium of Escherichia coli which breed and in the course of vital activity begin to produce Myostatinum. Also the representative of Pharmacom Labs for fun told that the vaccine is already tested on the Russian bears. And if someone meets in the wood of such bear with the blocked Myostatin and will take with it a selfie, then Pharmak will provide a free course for a year.

Since June, 2016 active advertizing of a vaccine on the Russian sports resources is started.

Since June the new product of GEN M2, with the description is also added:

"If in the first version of a vaccine of a blocker of Myostatin we forced an organism to develop Myostatin blocker, then in the new version we force an organism to develop also own somatropin. In what plus near usual hormone of body height? Well you just think, usual hormone you stick also in 2-3 hours its level in bloods at that level again, as was to an injection. That is, it is eternal waves. Yours somatropin is developed gradually within all two months, yielding much better result."


Despite the high potential of a metabolic stimulator of GW1516, studying of medicine it was stopped by the GlaxoSmithKline company developer in connection with the found cancerogenic effects in several experiments. However medicines on the basis of GW1516 among which there is PHARMAHEN 50 from Pharmacom became already available. Is interesting the fact that it on packaging of PHARMAHEN 50 is declared that it "a steroid of new generation". You can also like Nootropil.

Feedbacks about Pharmacom Labs

Products of the company have quite good quality and the producer, conform to international standards. About it witness also mainly positive reviews about Pharmacom Labs steroids. Sometimes negative statements towards this company meet that is quite often connected with counterfeits.

You can also study video about Pharmakom from Vadim 'Do4a' Ivanov. From 12th minute it is told about a personal experience of the use of steroids of this brand, from 16:20 - history of the company, redesigns of products, wars with Vermodje, etc. The report on the analysis of compliance of active ingredient in medicines begins about 22 minutes - practically all steroids appeared worthy quality, only in some names insignificant deviations in the smaller party were revealed.

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