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Pharmacological support of athletes

20 Dec 2016

The pharmacology of sport is a component of clinical pharmacology, but unlike it as it was mentioned above, deals with almost healthy people, except as specified diseases of athletes or professional sports pathology (an anabolic syndrome or an overstrain of a myocardium, liver, kidneys, immune system and other bodies). With respect thereto it is necessary to remember the following:

  • first, before prescription of medicine the athlete should be convinced that the known doping medicines for athletes (especially combined mixes) aren't its part;
  • secondly, it is necessary to check how data of bench experiments confirm efficiency of new medicine;
  • thirdly, it is necessary to determine groups of sibling species of sport in which medicine can be effective;

and at last, it is necessary to remember that metabolism and biotransformation of medicinal substances in the athlete's organism much more intensively and, therefore, dosages, and also duration and intensity of effect of the medicines appointed by it considerably differ from similar indicators in case of use of the same medicines by the healthy and sick people who aren't experiencing extreme physical activities.

The purpose of sports pharmacology — evidence-based creation and practical application of biologically active agents of not doping nature for increase in adaptation opportunities of an organism of the athlete to physical activities, and also for treatment of various professional sports pathologies. The sports pharmacology recommends use of medicines for athletes who increase sports working capacity and accelerate processes of recovery in extreme conditions (extremely high physical and mental activities, a stress, trainings in a heat, cold, middle mountains and highlands, a hypoxia, in unusual climate and the time zone, etc.).

The increased working capacity is stated on condition of performance of certain tasks for shorter interval of time, implication of larger power qualities, mental fastness, coordination of movements, etc.

The lowered working capacity happens a consequence of fatigue after the performed hard work or the pathology taking place and is characterized by larger time for its performance, decrease of force, mental fastness and coordination of movements owing to an overtraining. You can also like Pinealon.

Maintenance is the investigation of its removal on initial level. Unlike restoration super compensation represents rising of working capacity after performance of work on level, higher, than initial, as a result of pedagogical and pharmacological influences.

Quite often depression of efficiency of educational and pedagogical process in connection with use of a large amount of pharmacological drugs for athletes who "erase" the conditioned-reflex skills framed during the trainings in the central nervous system becomes perceptible. It turns out that one arm we train the athlete, and another — we destroy fixing of the framed effects. From here a conclusion follows: careful dosage of both training influences, and medicinal recovery agents is necessary. This dynamic equilibrium has to be defined for each athlete individually. The doctor of team tries to obtain it as a result of long observations over dynamics of training process of each athlete.

It is natural that organic or functional disturbances of the reflex arch providing physiology of training and reduction of muscles at lesions of a brain, cerebellum, spinal cord and a periphery nervous system lead to the most serious pathological conditions at athletes (it often happens in neurologic practice).

Adaptation to physical activity implies accounting of speed of recovery and increase in physical working capacity in case of increase in amount and intensity of loadings as a result of training process. The pharmacological medicines for athletes accelerating adaptation to physical activity and other extreme factors are called adaptogens. Today similar medicines there are many tens and they with success are applied in classical and sports medicine. At the same time it is necessary to remember that it is necessary to use adaptogen pharmacological medicines in each case strictly according to indications to application (especially in case of purpose of the overestimated doses), the effect otherwise expected from purpose of medicine either it won't be received absolutely, or will change on opposite.

Dietary Additives (DA) used in sports medicine:

  • 1.Medicinal substances registered in the territory of Ukraine or other state which are applied with the medical and preventive purpose.
  • 2.Dietary additives to food (DD) is composition natural (or identical natural) biologically active agents intended for direct acceptance with food or introductions in structure of foodstuff for the purpose of enrichment of a diet separate food or biologically active agents and their complexes.
  • 3.Nutritsevtiki is a dietary additives to food applied to correction of the chemical composition of food of the person (additional sources of nutrients: proteins, amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral substances, food fibers).
  • 4.Parapharmaceutics are dietary additives to food applied to prevention, auxiliary therapy and support in physiological limits of functional activity of bodies and systems.
  • 5.Eubiotiki is dietary additives to food which part the live microorganisms and (or) their metabolites making the normalizing impact on structure and biological activity of microflora of a digestive tract are (a synonym — a probiotics).
  • 6.The Products of the Increased Biological Value (PIBV) which contain the high-energy ingredients of food necessary for ensuring hard long work of athletes in the anaerobic and aerobic mode.
  • 7.Foodstuff which is used for completion of the spent ingredients providing physiological functioning of a human body.

The biggest complexity in practice of use of dietary additives is lack of their biological standardization and an efficiency evaluation. Besides a number of summaries to the issued DD, unfortunately, contains information not always untrue. It is connected partly with the fact that within the existing legislation it is much simpler to get permission to application and commercial production of DD, than medicines. The medicines applied in practice shall have reliable confirmation of harmlessness and a certain quality level, and also the evidence of the efficiency obtained both in preclinical and in clinical trials. Conditions of registration of DD are far not so strict. What do DD differ from pharmacological medicines in? It is possible to note several formal signs: the unspecified or insufficiently established chemical structure; lack of these preclinical and clinical trials; insufficient research of toxicity; lack of data on biotransformation, transport, metabolism and removal from an organism; as a rule, lack of information on side effects and not studied action mechanism.

Some producers in a pursuit of minute profit enter into DD compoundings additional, not specified in certificates, ingredients of doping nature (amphetamines, narcotic analgetics, steroid anabolic steroids, diuretics, etc.). It is no secret that the leading athletes have problems using some DD: the diuretics forbidden in sport, anabolic steroids and some other ingredients are found. Sometimes the medicines forbidden MK of the IOC are a part of polyvitaminic complexes.

Recently there is an opinion that DD are most perspective in sport pharmacology. Despite benefited from their application when training athletes, the main loading — on classical medicines. At the same time today in Ukraine DD of a sports orientation of the Energomaks and Vansiton lines which efficiency is proved by bench testing are made. Products of these lines are successfully used in practice of training of athletes of high qualification. More detailed information about them can be found in appropriate section of the textbook.

Anyway, before recommending to the athlete application of these or those DD, it is necessary to be convinced available all documents confirming reliability of the provided information. At the same time not all applied means are equally acceptable from the point of view of efficiency and lack of side effects.

Read also: Not doping pharmacological means in sports medicine


In the Medical code of Medical commission of the IOC, it is fixed: "Any person which makes extracts, overworks, clears, stores, delivers, transports, imports, exports, conveys as transit goods, offers for money or is free, distributes, sells, changes, offers the broker transaction, purchases in any manner, registers in quality of a medicine, is engaged in commerce, transfers, accepts, has, buys or purchases in any way banned drugs or substances, shall according to the decision of executive committee of the IOC be subjected to sanctions up to a lifelong exception of the Olympic Movement".

"... Ignorance of the nature or composition of medicines or substances, and also the nature of efficiency of the methods forbidden by the Medical code of the IOC isn't an attenuating circumstance for the persons which appeared by guilty persons in listed above, and the action made in an ignorance condition doesn't do this action legal". "Listed above doesn't treat activities of doctors if it is about medical activities".

Therefore in the medical purposes any medicinal substances permitted for clinical application in the territory of Ukraine can be used. Use of the unregistered foreign medicines in Ukraine, especially in cases of ascertaining of side effects and losses of health of the athlete, can cause office investigation with all that it implies.

In case of any complications or lethal outcomes responsibility is, as a rule, restacked on the doctor who cannot know that purpose of strong or banned drugs took place.

From the sports doctor perhaps double violation: both laws of Ukraine, and requirements of Medical commission of the IOC. During office investigations availability of the special card of pharmacological providing in which all prescriptions of medicines to athletes are registered can render to the doctor who didn't recommend the banned drugs or other medicines which caused toxic effects invaluable service.

Disciplinary procedures in case of doping violations for athletes are carried out in three steps: discharge, hearing, disqualification.

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