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Peptides in bodybuilding

17 Aug 2017

On the effectiveness of the use of peptides in bodybuilding, which are relatively inexpensive, but very effective analogue of hormonal anabolics, are divided into structural and functional. Structural biologically active compounds, obtained by artificial synthesis, enrich the body with amino acids and promote the stimulation of anabolism. In turn, functional almost triple the production of natural growth hormone, accelerate metabolism, burn subcutaneous fat deposits and reduce body weight.

Structural peptides

Both professional athletes and beginners who want to buy peptides for bodybuilding should have a clear idea of their goal and how to achieve it. Those who seek to enrich the body with amino acids necessary for the synthesis of their own protein, used as a material for constructing new myocytes (muscle fibers), prefer structural compounds. In comparison with high-grade proteins, they are digested much easier and faster. The most popular among weightlifters is concentrate and hydrolyzed whey protein isolate.

Studying reviews about peptides in bodybuilding, one can come to the conclusion that structural proteins contributing to the buildup and preservation of weight are usually used by those who by nature have insufficient body weight. At the same time, the training program necessarily includes exercises that promote the development of ligaments (to avoid imbalance and problems with the musculoskeletal system). However, abuse and non-compliance with dosage can cause an overabundance of protein in the body, which negatively affects the function of baking.

Functional peptides

This group of peptides, used by the body in unchanged form, is more popular among bodybuilders. In sports pharmacology they are used, as preparations for a set of muscle mass, or as a means for losing weight. Functional compounds, which increase the secretion of growth hormone 2-4 times, at the same time contribute to the breakdown of fats (the so-called side effect of the use of peptides). At the same time, their action is aimed at improving the condition of ligaments and strengthening the immune forces of the body. The most popular representatives of functional synthetic peptides include Ipamorelin, GHRP 2 and GHRP 6.

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