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Peptides for muscle growth

20 Oct 2017

To achieve a qualitative increase in different muscle groups, in addition to strength training and adherence to a special diet, a competently formulated peptide course that causes a surge of growth hormone is required. Peptides for the collection of muscle mass is a vast group of recombinant amino acid compounds obtained by genetic engineering. The main consumers of these drugs are professional and beginning bodybuilders.

Peptides for dry weight, as well as other products of sports nutrition, are selected depending on the weight and professionalism of the athlete, as well as on his individual sensitivity to a particular drug. To date, there are many variations in the use of synthetic amino acid compounds, and it is very important to distinguish the most suitable of them. Otherwise, the bodybuilder can only expect disappointment and regret for the money spent and time.

Peptides for muscle mass

Hexarelin (GHRP-6) is a stimulant of GH secretion and an insulin-like factor (IGF-1). It acts directly on the pituitary gland, promotes a better quality of dry muscle mass, enhances the burning of subcutaneous fat and improves the relief of the musculature.

Pralmorelin (GHRP-2) is an oligopeptide from a series of the most powerful stimulants of GH. Increases the production of somatotropin by 7-15 times, activates the ghrelin receptors. Hexarelin and Pralmorelin are peptides for weight gain, able to work as synergists. It is believed that their joint reception levels the shortcomings of each other.

Ipamorelin - the last generation of the amino acid drug, stimulating the secretion of somatotropin and simultaneously suppressing the production of somatostatin (STH antagonist). Unlike its predecessors, it does not increase the feeling of hunger and does not increase the secretion of prolactin and cortisol.

Spermorelin (GRF 1-29), as well as the above-mentioned peptides for weight, enhances the production of growth hormone. It is a synergist of Hexarelin, Pralmorelin and Ipamorelin.

Somatocrinine (CJC-1295), growth factor releasing factor, stimulating the production of growth hormone. It is an effective and safe analogue of anabolic steroids, promotes increased strength and growth of muscle mass, strengthens joints and ligaments, increases bone density.

PEG MGF is a pegylated mechanical growth factor. Influencing sensitive receptors, stimulates the processes of dividing the germ cells (myoblasts). As well as other peptides for muscles, it helps to increase muscle musculature. In parallel, it lowers cholesterol and fat percentage in the body, increases stamina, accelerates recovery after physical exertion.

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