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Parapharmaceutical medicines

19 Dec 2016

Parapharmaceutical medicines is a dietary supplements for strengthening of health and prevention of various diseases having a certain pharmacological activity and applied to prevention, auxiliary therapy and support in physiological limits of functional activity of bodies and systems. Bioflavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides, saponina, organic acids, essential oils, polysaccharides concern to them, that is these are medicines of a vegetable and animal origin or their synthetic analogs.

Parapharmaceutics aren't applied to treatment of diseases. Also they are forbidden to be advertized as medicines (medicines) for treatment of any pathology.

Parapharmaceutics most often have weak evidential base and are badly studied in researches. Such additives as diyetressa, osteohoney, reducsin light are an example.

The declared effects:

  • regulation (in physiological borders) functional activity of bodies and systems of an organism;
  • manifestations of adaptogen effect in extreme conditions;
  • regulation of microbiocenosis of digestive tract;
  • application as means of auxiliary therapy.

Unlike nutritsevtik of parapharmaceutics have no nutritional value though may contain the substances supplementing food from officinal and food plants, products of the sea and beekeeping, tissues of animals and also received by chemical methods. Some parapharmaceutics can include feedstuffs, in particular, vitamins and vitaminopodobny connections.

Unlike drugs, parapharmaceutics shall only physiologically, but not pharmacological regulate functions of bodies and systems. Therefore the daily dose of active ingredient parapharmaceutics shall constitute no more than 50-60% of a one-time medical dose in case of use of this substance as medicine. Unfortunately, in most cases on packagings BUD- parapharmaceutics the amount of the substances containing in them isn't specified, and also substances often aren't specified.

The nature of impact on a human body of biologically active agents of many parapharmaceutics is unknown. Moreover, at many parapharmaceutics received from herbs and other natural raw materials, the substances operating on an organism aren't defined at all. All this frames a scope for falsification of parapharmaceutics against the background of advertizing about their "unique" value in prophylaxis and treatment of a set of illnesses. Only an insignificant part of parapharmaceutics underwent clinical testing by the principles of evidential medicine. You can try Vezugen.

Told doesn't mean that all parapharmaceutics are useless or harmful, however their use as dietary supplement to a nutrition raises very great doubts, especially in clinical nutrition at an atherosclerosis, a diabetes mellitus, obesity, oncologic and other diseases.

Side effects

Let's notice that the certificate issued at dietary supplement registration doesn't guarantee absence at them side effects. So, for example, some plants included in structure BUD- parapharmaceutics have allergenic action (arnica, yarrow, primrose, dandelion, etc.), toxic impact on a liver (comfrey, Tussilago farfara, etc.) or kidneys ( horse-chestnut, shlemnik), break coagulability of a blood (lucerne, arnica, a red clover) etc. In Russia statistical account of such effects isn't kept, and advertizing dietary supplement, referring to a natural parentage of components of many parapharmaceutics, frames illusion of their safety at consumers. In the countries of Europe and North America thousands of cases of a side effect, adverse for a human body, BUD- parapharmaceutics and even deaths from their reception are registered.

It is established that sick people most often accept dietary supplement not to destination the attending physician, and independently, based on advertizing dietary supplement. Many patients, it is long the taking this or that medicine, begin to supplement them with dietary supplement, containing herbs. At the same time interactions between dietary supplement and medicines aren't considered. For example, dietary supplement, the containing St. John's Wort grass extracts, can change medicinal effect of antidepressants, antibiotics, steroid hormones, warm glycosides, etc. Some dietary supplement, recommended for patients with obesity, contain laxative herbs (Senna, aloes, a buckthorn, a buckthorn, etc.). Such dietary supplement worsen absorption of drugs from intestines and, therefore, weaken efficiency of medicinal treatment.

In 2004 and 2007 resolutions of the chief health officer of Russia "About strengthening of Gossanepidnadzor behind production and turnover of dietary supplements" are issued. Concern in connection with emergence in the market low-quality and counterfeit dietary supplement, and also unfair advertizing in which to dietary supplement, first of all, of parapharmaceutics, are issued for "magic drugs" for the whole bunch of diseases was the cause for their exit. These to resolutions forbade sale of a number of parapharmaceutics.

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