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03 Nov 2016

Oxymetholone (it is also known as Anapolon and Anadrol) - the synthetic anabolic steroid developed in the 1960th years by the Syntex Pharmaceuticals company. Initially Anapolon was developed as drug for treatment of an osteoporosis and anemia (anemia), and also for stimulation of muscle growth at badly eating and weakened patients. The oxymetholone was approved by FDA for use in public. Later nonsteroid drugs which effectively cured anemia and an osteoporosis in this connection Anapolon's popularity decreased were framed and by 1993 Syntex decided to stop production of drug as well as many other producers. However the oxymetholone nevertheless remained in medicine as new researches showed that Anapolon is effective in treatment of HIV-positive patients.

Oxymetholone Anapolon

Anapolon is issued in tablets on 50 mg and is one of the strongest available steroids, in too time drug can cause some side effects inherent to all anabolic steroids. Since 2013 oxymetholone Solutio oleosa (50 mg/ml) gained distribution.

Anadrol British Dragon

Complete analogs

Trademarks of oxymetholone:

  • Anadrol from Sinteks of the USA.
  • Anapolon from Sinteks Great Britain, or from Ibrahim Turkey, or from the Balkans Pharmatsevtikal Moldova.
  • Anasteron: 50 mg of the tab.; Sintecs Greece or Sweden.
  • Androlik from British Dispensary
  • Dinasten: 50 mg of the tab.; Silag Portugal.
  • Gemodenin: 50 mg of the tab.; Sintex Brazil.
  • Oximetolon of 50 mg of the tab.; Czechoslovakia.
  • Oximozona of 50 mg of the tab.; Sintex Spain.
  • Plenastril: 50 mg of the tab.; Gryunental Austria Protokhimi.
  • Sinasteron: 50 mg of the tab.; Zarva Belgium.
  • PHARMAOXY of 50 mg Inyekts.; PHARMACOM LABS

Steroid profile

  • Anabolic activity - 320% of testosterone
  • Androgenic activity - 30% of testosterone
  • Aromatization (conversion in estrogen) - No, but there can be progestin by-effects similar with estrogenic.
  • Toxicity for a liver - average-high (comparable with metandrosten, toxicity is directly proportional to a dose)
  • Acceptance method - inside (in tablets); extremely seldom happens in an injection type.
  • Action duration - 15 hours (semi-removal - 9 h)
  • Detection time - up to 12 weeks

Androlic British Dispensary

Effects of anapolon

The expressed muscle growth (oxymetholone it is considered one of the most effective steroids in bodybuilding for a set of muscle bulk - to 15 kg of muscle bulk for 1 rate, after a rate the notable phenomenon of kickback is observed - up to 30% of the gained weight it can be lost as some surplus of weight is caused by liquid accumulation)

Significant increase in force

Anapolon at a number of athletes eliminates joint pains, improves their function (in connection with bigger development of liquid, it is caused by partially progestin nature). But this useful property is noted by not all athletes. Use Hypoxen too.

Reduces the globulin connecting sex hormones - it does effect of other anabolic hormones (and also own testosterone) in case of the combined application, more expressed and fast.

increases content of erythrocytes in blood, increases endurance.


The author undressed: Yury Bombela

Long enough was considered that the majority of the increase reached by means of oxymetholone in weight falls to the share of water. At the same time, approximately from the middle of last decade professional bodybuilders began to use actively oxymetholone in precompetitive preparation. Now its acceptance isn't limited only one-two days just before start — "oks" can be applied actively practically throughout the entire period of preparation for competitions; at the same time no excessive accumulation of water under skin happens.

To understand thoroughly what represents oxymetholone and what it is possible to wait from it for, researchers from University of South California solved. As subjects of a research men at the age of 65-80 years were chosen — such choice most brightly would shall emphasize advantages of the researched medicine if those were found, and also to exclude influence of third-party factors (all subjects had a level of own testosterone below a regulation). One more important point: subjects weren't engaged in a training in general (thus one more third-party factor was excluded). Consumption of protein constituted 1 g on kg of own weight.

Results of a course: Those who accepted 50 mg of an oxymetholone a day have added on average 3,3 kg in lump in 12 weeks. The increase at those who accepted 100 mg of medicine a day has made 4,2 kg. Examinees didn't accept additional protein and didn't train.

At the same time not only the lump, but also body composition has changed. That is, examinees not only put on weight, but also lost fat, in particular, in abdominal area, that is, actually the increase of muscular tissue was even more expressed. At the first group average loss of fatty tissue has made 2,6 kg, at the second — 2,5 kg. It is interesting that in abdominal area representatives of the second group have lost just significantly more (2,2 kg against 1,7 kg) without training.


Oxymetholone allows to reach essential increases in muscle bulk. And these rise can be got including by those who don't train at all.

Oxymetholone helps "to burn" subcutaneous fat; the best results can be received in abdominal area. That is, "oks" it can be used as the fat-burning agent by those men who have problems with fat loss on a stomach.

Contrary to established opinion, oxymetholone doesn't make essential impact on work of a liver.

Side effects of oxymetholone

17 - alpha group in structure of medicine allows to pass a liver without collapsing, but it is done by Anapolon toxic for a liver. Researches lasting 30 weeks where examinees applied oxymetholone in a dose 50 mg a day have been conducted. Various side effects, including on a liver are as a result revealed.

In the research Schroeder of 2003 examinees received a dose of 50 or 100 mg/days, at the same time only at one of examinees in 12 weeks of continuous reception ALAT (alanineaminotransferase) has significantly raised . But, as it has appeared subsequently, it has been connected with alcohol intake just before blood donation. In the repeated analysis of increase in ALAT it wasn't revealed. At all other examinees of ALAT and ASAT raised a little, but steadily remained within norm. Thus, toxic influence on a liver is in many respects exaggerated. The safest dosage of medicine makes 50 mg a day (or less).

Also it should be noted what oxymetholone isn't converted into estrogen, nevertheless quite often can cause accumulation of liquid in an organism, ginekomastia, to increase arterial pressure and some other. It is necessary to notice what îêñèìåòîëîí has rather low progestin activity (in comparison with progestins: nandrolony and trenbolone). Therefore it is as a last resort recommended to apply Prolactinum blockers

In certain cases (when using high doses) medicine can cause diarrhea, worsen appetite, make slight sick. Oksimetolon to a lesser extent than the majority of steroids suppresses products of own testosterone.

Anapolon course

Course of anapolon suits men 21 years for an intensive set of muscle bulk are more senior.

Duration of a rate of oxymetholone constitutes 4 - 6 weeks. Don't do a rate longer than 6 weeks, first, because the greatest results are noted within the first three weeks of a rate, secondly, because of possible toxicity for a liver.

The maximum easily transferable dosage of Anapolon - 100 mg a day. First, because it was proved that bigger increase in a dosage doesn't result in the best results. Secondly, the risk of side effects of an anapolon increases. An optimum dose for beginners - 50 mg a day. At the same time there is a number of schemes of acceptance in which daily dosages reach also 200 mg. Acceptance of medicine with gradual increase in a dosage makes a sense only in that case when there are concerns concerning its shipping. Usually acceptance of medicine happens in a stable dosage from a rate, the first to the last day. Gradual decrease in a dosage doesn't make a practical sense.

Upon termination of a rate PCT is carried out. Begin to accept testosteronovy boosters and blockers of estrogen (clomifene, torimefen; it is impossible to apply tamoxifen since it stimulates progestin receptors) within 3-4 weeks, to recovery of development of own testosterone.

For maximum efficiency of a rate accept a complex of sports food for a set of muscle bulk and keep to a diet for a set of muscle bulk.

Surely consult with the specialist before acceptance of oxymetholone.

Combined courses

Oxymetholone is well combined with some injection medicines, however it isn't necessary to combine him with 17 - alpha steroids as it will increase load of a liver. Often Anapolon is used for so-called "fast start" (the anabolic effect begins to be shown very quickly), providing considerable surpluses of force and body weight while other medicines in a stack smoothly increase concentration at the earliest stages of a rate. The combination allows to achieve the best effect because oxymetholone reduces concentration of the globulin connecting sex hormones, increasing free fraction of other hormones, at the same time he acts as synergist for very large amount of medicines. Considering that Anapolon has low affinity to androgenic receptors (badly contacts them) other high-androgenic hormones will be able to have full-measuring effect by means of interaction with these receptors without the competition with anapolony.

For a set of muscle bulk anapolon combine with Testosterone, Boldenon, Primobolan, but not with Nandrolon in any way and Trenbolone because it can bring to more expressed progestin.

For increase in power indicators it is most often used with various air of Testosterone. Very efficient combination is also oxymetholone's combination to suspension of stanosolol, at the same time athletes note rapid increase in force. But it is necessary to take into account high injury risk of this combination, especially for people with chronic damages.

For drying and a relief ocsimetolon is practically not used because of its property to provoke a strong delay of liquid.

Bodybuilders of competitive level often use one-time acceptance of 100-250 mg of oxymetholone in day of a part. It gives fullness to the athlete's muscles.

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