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19 Dec 2016

Ostarine (synonyms: Ostarin, Enobosarm, GTx-024, MK-2866) ((2S)-3-(4-cyanophenoxy) - N-[4-cyano-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl] - 2-hydroxy-2-methylpropanamide) is an active agent from a class Ariel Propionamid passing clinical tests belongs to the class of selective modulators ofandrogen receptors (SARM). Ostarine is developed by the Merck & Company and GTx Incorporated company for treatment of a muscular atrophy and osteoporosis.


The chemical structure of ostarin was revealed in 2009 in the scientific article of Mohler ML.

There are different types of SARM: Ariel Propionamidy, quinolines, hinolinona, bicyclic gidantiona. Ostarine (and also Andarine/S-4 and S-23) belong to Ariel Propionamidam which in researches show the greatest efficiency. Ostarine differs from Andarin in cyanodeputies on the fenilnykh rings which are replaced on nitro-and acetamido - fragments.


As a result of twelve weeks of testing for which 120 men and women received 3 mg of ostarin a day:

The average surplus of muscle bulk constituted 1.4 kg, average loss of fatty tissue is 300 grams.

Women didn't lag behind in anything men, that is, SARM was effective medicine and for female representatives. At the same time the phenomena of virilization weren't observed.

Testosterone level at men slightly decreased. Despite assurances of creators of aostarin that it won't exert any impact on secretion of the main male sex hormone. You can also like Pinealon.

There was a decrease in level of "useful" lipoproteid of a high density in case of the invariable level of lipoproteid of low density ("bad" cholesterol). Also increase in level of enzymes of a liver was noted (ALAT and ASAT) that can speak about violation of its function.

Side effects

In the 2nd phase of clinical tests it was most often reported about development of fatigue, anemia, nausea and a diarrhea. Rising of cholesterin and toxic influence on a liver is also possible.

Yury Bombela's opinion

Ostarine (and he is one of two SARM presented at the market today) really works, allowing to try to obtain a gain of muscle bulk and loss of subcutaneous fat. However, with side effects from its use everything isn't so remarkable: there is a certain depression of level of Testosteron in a blood (the LG and FSG levels also fall, let and slightly). Besides, īstarine can negatively affect work of cardiovascular system and a liver.

Dosage. Today the recommended dose is 20 mg of ostarin a day. But in the first experiments researchers only tried to understand what advantages use of ostarine and what side effects can be expected can give. Therefore made a start from very low dosages, but also they were sufficiently effective.


Selective modulators of androgenic receptors were entered by the World anti-doping agency in a list of banned drugs in sport in January, 2008 though medical supplies didn't exist yet. Spectrometer ways of definition of the drugs SARM in a blood and urine are developed.

The international Union of Cyclists reports about a positive sample on dope of the racer of the Vacansoleil-DCM team Nikita Novikov. The analysis of the racer was taken in the out of competition period on May 17, 2013 and tested in laboratory of the city of Barcelona, by result of testing traces of drug of gidroksi-ostarin (Hydroxy-ostarine/O-dephenyl-ostarin) were found.

On December 17, 2016 in Alexander Povetkin's doping assay it was found ostarine. The analysis was taken within preparation for Alexander Povetkin's fight with Bermeyn Stivern.

Legal status

Ostarine is entered in the list of strong substances for Art. 234 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The ban is initiated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in August, 2016. Legally ostarine equated to anabolic steroids.

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