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Origins of human aggression

09 Dec 2016

Dr. Doping tells about the hypothesis of a call for competition partners and genetic causes of aggressive behavior. Which primate characteristic of aggressive behavior? When the call has been proposed hypothesis? And what are the genetic roots of human aggression?

We see that the representatives of each species in one form or another there is aggression, as well as for the human species, it is universal. But the degree of aggression is limited by some cultural norms, and the need to understand why people keep such a seemingly animal subsistence, how to be aggressive. In this case, in my view, it is necessary, of course, remember the Konrad Lorenz, who at one time a lot said and written about aggression. He believed that this is one of the evils with which the person lives, and nowhere on it does not go. Lorenz posed the question of the species-specificity of aggression. But in a later version of the model has been proposed, in which the question was asked: how aggression can cause harm or benefit a particular individual who exhibits this aggression? This hypothesis call. Hypothesis call first formulated in relation to conflicts of birds, especially during breeding periods. But later it turned out that it works very well in the analysis of aggressive behavior in primates, including higher.

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Hadza basically peaceful, but this does not mean that they never conflict. On what grounds they have conflicts? If we recall that the hypothesis formulated in the context of the call reproductive behavior, it is not surprising that the greatest conflicts arise between men during the disassembly of jealousy or conflict for women. This is almost the only reason for which there are conflicts, accompanied by physical showdowns, fights, and even in exceptional cases, all are fatal. Women can fight each other, but of course, all this takes less tragic forms. If we talk about datooga people, then the situation is completely different, because the aggression is used in all conflicts. Any insult, associated with a reduction in social status, humiliation and loss of face is perceived as a threat and, therefore, requires a reciprocal course. What? Physical aggression. But it is surprising that physical aggression is practiced not only men but also women.

Aggression origins are rooted in the distant past of the human animal. The man as a representative of a single species Homo sapiens there is a predisposition to a certain extent to aggressive actions. But as it is secured and how this predisposition can be transmitted from generation to generation? The last few years we have been intensively engaged in the search for candidate genes associated with aggressive behavior. One of these genes, with whom we work - is the androgen receptor gene. This gene contains certain portions - VNTR-sections, within which there are a number of repetitions of triplets C-A-G. These repetitions can be from 8 to 35 pieces. It is believed that the number of repetitions depends on the efficiency, sensitivity of androgen receptors. These receptors are directed to the perception of male sex hormones, and how the body, particularly the brain tissue responds to testosterone emission depends your aggressive reaction, primarily physical.

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