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Organic Sodium nitritums

08 Dec 2016

The main donators of nitrogen oxide in bodybuilding are: arginine, agmatin, extract of beet and various pretraining complexes. In medicine nitric acid ethers (HNO3) and polybasic alcohols, for example Nitroglycerinum and Isosorbidum dinitrate which relax walls of vessels due to formation of vasodilating bond of nitrogen oxide (NO) are widely applied. This effect is more expressed in a venous bed.

Such vasodilating action exerting impact on the general hemodynamics finds application first of all for treatment of heart troubles. Depression before and afterloads unloads heart. At the same time the oxygen balance in a cardiac muscle improves, the frequency of emergence of spastic strictures of coronary arteries (coronary spasms) decreases.

Indications: generally prescribe at stenocardia, is more rare at a severe form of an acute or chronic heart failure. At long reception of Sodium nitritums with constant concentration of drug in a blood there is a tolerance of an organism. Tolerance to Sodium nitritums can be prevented, choosing a reception regimen with "free" from Sodium nitritums, for example, night intervals.

Side effects are observed in an initiation of treatment; usually it is the headaches bound to brain vasodilatation. Tolerance development, even is possible when keeping daily "nitrate pauses". At the raised dosage falling of arterial pressure, reflex tachycardia (stenocardia symptom), a collapse can be observe.

Action mechanism. Depression of a tonus of unstriated muscles of vessels is based on activation of a guanilattsiklasa under the influence of monoxide of nitrogen and rising of the tsAMF level. In physiological conditions of NO it is developed by an endothelium of vessels and comes to the subject smooth muscle cells (the endothelial relaxing factor). Thus, organic Sodium nitritums work on "the laid way" that explains their high activity. Enzymatic formation of NO in unstriated muscles requires existence of sulfhydryl (SH) groups.

Tolerance to Sodium nitritums can be caused by a disadvantage of donors of SH-group of cell.

Nitroglycerinum (NG) is characterized by good ability to get through membranes, but low stability. It is used for stopping of attacks of stenocardia. Nitroglycerinum is soaked up through mucous oral cavities (capsules, spray) and has effect in 1-2 min. Oral administration is ineffective because of full removal. Transdermalny use (nitrate Emplastrum) allows avoiding removal in a liver.

Isosorbidum dinitrate (ISDN) also well gets through membranes, but is stabler, than Nitroglycerinum; it breaks up with formation of an active metabolite of Isosorbidum 5 monosodium nitritums (ISMN). ISDN can be also applied sublingual to stopping of attacks of stenocardia, however, generally is prescribed orally for achievement of longer effect.

Molsidominum in itself has no effect. At oral administration it will be transformed to active agent linsidomin. Efficiency is approximately identical both in venous, and in an arterial bed. Drug causes tolerance to Sodium nitritums less often. Difference in its action in comparison with Sodium nitritums is caused probably by different mechanisms of release N0.

Sodium nitroprussidum contains NO group, however it is not an Aether. To the same extent dilates veins and arteries. It is entered infusionally for a lowering of arterial pressure. For an inactivation of Cyanidum which is formed of Sodium nitroprussidum sodium thiosulphate is prescribed.

Vegetables as a source of nitrogen oxide

At least three large researches showed that vegetables are the main source of natural nitrogen oxide which promotes combustion of fat (by activation of metabolism of brown fat), improves food of muscles, reduces risk of development of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (due to lowering of arterial pressure and improvement of transport of oxygen and nutrients). The largest content of nitrates is observed in green vegetables: spinach, salad, celery, broccoli, siliculose haricot, etc. Also beet and especially beet juice is rich with nitrates. Please pay attention to Testalamin.

Nitrates (for example, sodium nitrate - food E251 preservative) can increase physical working capacity and endurance due to decrease in viscosity of blood, increase in production of erythropoietin and improvement of transport of oxygen.

Donators of nitrogen in bodybuilding

Several years we use this piece designated as NO (nitrogen oxide) or "donators of nitrogen". Without applying for scientific character, I will try to light slightly the market of nitrogen oxides in Russia and their merits and demerits. I swear to use only public determinations and simple Russian.

For a start is the theory (brevity, in this case, not the sister of talent, and only introduction in a conceptual framework of the potential consumer).

ARGININ amino acid is a source for development by NO organism, practically all donators of nitrogen contain arginin. The oxide of nitrogen in itself is synthesized by the most different cells of a human body and is the regulator of activity and one of elements of immune system. The main destination is saturation by blood of all bodies and fabrics. The main action is relaxation and expansion of walls of blood vessels. Arginin contains in many natural products. I will list only those which are available to all of us: walnut, peanut, meat of a shrimp and chicken meat, liver, pork, cod, tuna, cottage cheese.

"Attention" Note of the expert: feasibility of application of arginin and other donators of nitrogen in bodybuilding lately is exposed to big criticism, in a type of emergence of a number of the researches confuting its efficiency. Moreover, scientific work was performed (K Del Punta, EH Charreau and OP Pignataro. Nitric oxide inhibits Leydig cell steroidogenesis. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.) which showed that nitrogen oxide suppresses synthesis of own steroid hormones (testosterone) in testicles.

Donators of nitrogen: practice of application

I am a practician, and I am proud of it. What it is only not tried by me for years of own trainings with burdenings and what only "it isn't prescribed" to my wards! And it in spite of the fact that my friend Alexey Kireev (he is Doctor Lyuber) insists. "Porridge, a protein, geyner and creatine is here that is called nutritional supplements. All the rest from the evil and unscrupulous depriving of money by pushers from the fitness industry". Romanticism shall remain, but at the same time the truth shall win against bucks.

I agreed to write about donators of nitrogen only because today I consider that THIS PIECE WORKS AND HELPS. Nobody ever will convince me that the L-carnitine isn't a complete baby's dummy, and here that donators of nitrogen a feature very much even is convinced. It is PASSED through itself and the personal feelings not always matching what is declared in summaries of these wonderful products. Here they, these feelings:

  • Donators of nitrogen increase force, and here increase in weight isn't noticed.
  • Certainly improves metabolism of muscles and fair it is possible to consider participation of N0 in the course of fat loss.
  • Promotes improvement of mood, does the person more active, initiative and hardy.
  • Stimulates immune system.
  • Has some kind of nootropic effect - stimulates activity of a brain, excludes a negative from nervous stresses, differences of atmospheric pressure, helps receipt of a fighting spirit not only in the course of the training — wholeheartedly you work in any direction, but at the same time takes place and some negative.
  • If your trainings take place in the evening, you will face a problem of excessive excitability. Though as you will understand further, it isn't always bad
  • Donators of nitrogen promote increase in force and duration of genitals both at men, and at women.
  • The balanced food often to us just not in power neither on time, nor on availability of natural products, and sometimes and beyond the means. Completely balanced it is simply unreal for the normal person. And then the nitrogen oxide from beautiful jars comes to the rescue.

And here what I definitely didn't feel:

  • There was no clarification of muscles from slags which all producers declare. Point which has net advertizing character. It is impossible to feel and feel it. And in general the word "slags" from spells of charlatans since in medicine there is no such term.
  • There was no increase in speed of overgrowing of the damaged fabrics, stretchings of sinews, fractures of bones, and also prevention of arthritises and diseases of connecting fabrics. It is even more doubtful, declarative and empty slogan of manufacturers, though beautiful.
  • Wouldn't begin to apply N0 as additive to children and to their growth even if on bank this recommendation is written.
  • Subject to insistently I warn: be careful with this additive! The effect of normalization of blood pressure is not the effect reached by means of donators of nitrogen.

There is a list of additives based on which acceptance I also drew the conclusions.

  • 1.Here you will find NOShotgun from VPX also creatine, and arginin, and caffeine, both BCAA esters, and glutamin, and amino acids with a branched chain. As a result "the universal soldier", that is a product turns out. Practically the first the "magic powder" which was at my disposal. Suits ALL, works for all too! Pushes to work at full stretch. Doesn't require connection in "batch" something auxiliary. Such legal dope for a circulation in a training and recovery. Mechanism of work such: an intensive training — damages (anguishes) to the trained muscles — increase of internal pressure (rating) — still a big rating — still big damages to muscular tissue — building-up of muscles.
  • 2."Similar medicine never before was in the history of bodybuilding" — personally I don't react to such slogans. However subjected to the intensive attack from all directions I gave up. In July, 2007 read on the Internet about an innovation from Nano Vapor from MuscleTech. Having got access, and simply, having purchased a jar of the advertized product, I began its application. And what? Hardly finished the first training after absorption of wonderful substitute of banned drugs! But not because was tired, and, on the contrary, literally this word, forced out itself from the hall! Felt everything two hours real surge in energy and activity. For the fifth or sixth day of use ripened: NanoVapor is that WORKS, really works and will be used by me! Means which you will spend for it will be repaid completely. General feelings in case of acceptance of "nano-couple" — inflow of heat in an organism to all extremities and at the same time both hypersensibility and reactivity of brain activities. In about 15-20 minutes of a training the feeling of real "pamping" comes. Fullness of muscles just enormous! For those who looks for in that or other measure of a thing which are able to replace the forbidden additives: replacement won't turn out, but you receive the help.
  • 3."Achievement of the maximum result" from the S.A.N company. You pay enough money and receive RECOVERY (VI2 HP 844), ENERGY (Fierce), and also FORCE and Vault. Huge "shortcoming" — to feel all these wonderful effects, it is necessary to absorb all three additives. Such "batch" is inconvenient on time and is burdensome on transfer. How many cans you with yourself will carry away? One description how to accept how many to accept and in what sequence already pushes away a little. If you not the top professional athlete with availability of enough a money and the mode "ate — it was trained — ate — has a sleep — ate — it was trained — and again ate", then this combination doesn't suit you. Though it has more strengths, than it seems. I won't dissemble: I personally was enough only for two weeks. Loss from the mode was just inevitable. Though if that gave weight in addition to a rating and strength, so is this sheaf.
  • 4.V-12 Turbo and V-12 Magnum from S.A.N. — analogs of NOShotgun but with more with advanced structure. Though in this place specialists can me slightly and correct: "Here smells slightly of more creatine, than argininy". Good amendment. Who against an increase in muscle bulk? Definitely not I.
  • 5.SuperPump 250. The donator of nitrogen from Gaspari. Accepting it in combination with a kaptirovanny oxide of nitrogen, medicine HT containing a creatine gluconate, and also in piece under the name Mouyeyoekh, we receive something bigger, than from a combination from SAN (see point B). And in a cash equivalent too. Recommendation not of the stranger in this subject: use SuperPump250 without any combinations, feel all delights of a nitric rating.
  • 6.So far the best that is passed through itself, is Xstreme Napalm from the Polish producer. It is noticed that all producers in samplers of any NO put more than declared. It belongs for all 100% and to this product. Isn't on sale yet, just about it is expected. The American "uncle", producer of ingredients indirectly connected with Gaspari Nutrition possibly is only my conjectures), delivered a product of excellent action. Perhaps, there efedra? It isn't there, precisely I know. To accept it is shown - it is ordered ALL! But I will only praise really when renting from a jar, but not from a bag.

Instead of the conclusion of the recommendation about application of all donators of nitrogen:

  • Accept NO not in 15-20 minutes prior to a training, and for 40-50.
  • For those who have a body weight more than 100 kilograms, recommend to begin with the doubled dosage at once.
  • In 10-14 days it is possible to increase a dose by one and half times.
  • It is the best of all to accept NO next the heart.
  • The general time of administration of drugs, I think, it is necessary to limit for 30 days.

Here, perhaps, and all on a subject. I will finish the narration with the simple phrase from Anatoly Pchelkin: "The muscleman, think! It is necessary!"

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