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22 Nov 2016

Turinabol (Oral) (chemical 4-hlorodegidrometiltestosteron) - is an anabolic steroid which is close on effects and chemical structure to metandrostenolon. The word "shouted" in the name means that this anabolic means is accepted orally (inside). Difference from metandrostenolon is that turinabol contains additional atom of chlorine in case of the fourth atom of carbon. Medicine is for the first time developed the German pharmaceutical company Jenapharm and is patented in 1961.

Turinabol (Oral) (chemical 4-hlorodegidrometiltestosteron) - is an anabolic steroid

Synonyms: turinabol, turamoth, turanabol, turik, turinabolos, turinover

Steroid profile

  • Anabolic activity - 180%
  • Androgenic activity - 50%
  • Aromatization (conversion in estrogen) - is absent
  • Suppression of an axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles - moderate and high
  • Toxicity for a liver - moderate
  • Acceptance method - inside (in tablets)
  • Elimination half-life - 16 hours
  • Detection time - up to 250 days (long-living fat-soluble metabolites)

Historical information

Since 60th years of the last century, East Germany developed a series of highly effective anabolic steroids including drug oral-turinabol for achievement of achievements in the Olympic Games. Developers described it as the combined version of the Methandrostenolone and Oksandrolon with moderate anabolic effect (comparable with Testosteron-Depotum) and the low frequency of side effects. A creator is Albert Stachowiak.


Drug can be characterized as Methandrostenolone without effect of delay of liquid in organism.

It is delayed the operating steroid. During Turinabol course the weight, power indicators and relief progress very slowly, however according to athletes these results are better.

One more distinctive feature of drug - lack of estrogenic effects (as isn't exposed to aromatization, due to addition of a chlorine atom in a molecule), that is side effects as liquid accumulation, gynecomastia, etc. practically don't meet. Though there are responses in which it is reported about development of a gynecomastia which mechanism of development remains not found out. The most probable cause - presence at structure of methyltestosteron-Depotum that is bound to features of synthesis. One of the Best Nooropic drug is Gliatilin.

Also, it was defined that concentration of SHBG therefore the level of free Testosteron-Depotum in a blood is enlarged decreases. There are data that Turinabol reduces risk of formation of thrombi in blood vessels and heart.


Results of analyses at the end of course shouted - Turinabol (norms are given in the last column)

During preparation for the Olympic Games the optimum dose of medicine which caused minimum of collateral effects - 20-40 mg a day divided into three receptions has been picked up, however bodybuilders often neglect these figures, bringing dosage to 100-150 mg a day.

Medicine can be applied both at set of muscle bulk, and when drying. The course of Turinabol does not demand inclusion of anti-estrogen and gonadotrophin (if does not exceed 6-8 weeks), however PKT is carried out by blockers the estrogen receptors (Tamoxifen). The monocourse of Turinabol is considered one of the simplest and safe in bodybuilding therefore it is often recommended to beginners. For the first course optimum dosage 40 mg/days for 6 weeks are considered. It allows to receive impressive results, both in respect of gain of quality muscle mass, and in progress of high-speed and power results.

Combined course Turinabolum (20 mg a day) + testosterone enantat 250 mg a week is suitable for set of muscle bulk better (or + Sustanon). Duration on average 6 weeks. At first Turinabolum is cancelled enantat, and in week.

Athletes who are not interested in set of weight and seek to increase the speed and endurance (boxers, fighters, runners, etc.) lower doses - 10-20 mg a day are recommended. However it is necessary to consider that recently oral-turinabol became steroid, problem in respect of anti-doping control, as the long-living metabolites which are recently found (2012) are defined during six - eight months. The big contribution to such incredibly long period of detection was made by the latest developments in the field of chromanti-terrorist operation - mass spectrometry.

It is also necessary to note that in the black market many fakes (sometimes other operating beginning) meet owing to what the received results not always meet expectations.

Side effects

Turinabol is a 17-alkilirovanny anabolic steroid that does possible oral administration, however frames toxic effect for a liver, comparable with methandrostenolone. In general, side effects meet quite seldom and are most often bound to excess of duration of a course and high doses. This drug strongly suppresses secretion of own Testosteron-Depotum. Erectile dysfunction after cancellation is possible, there were cases of development of a premature ejaculation.

Disturbances from a liver: holestatichesc icterus, a necrosis of hepatocytes with a liver failure, liver cancer. From biochemical parameters rising of level of a bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase and transaminases is defined. The cholestatic icterus can develop in 6 months and more (is a toxic genesis) and is shown by a stasis in cholic capillaries with hyperbilirubinemia and rising of activity of an alkaline phosphatase. At use within several years it can be enlarged liver cancer frequencies.

The official report on cancerogenic action in 5 years of use of Turinabol in rather high doses was recorded.

Endocrine disturbances: Turanabol is more rare than can cause other drugs in men: oppression of a spermatogenesis and an impotency (again to depression of secretion of Gonadotropinums and level of Testosteron-Depot with an atrophy and oligospermatism); prostatauxe (mainly at elderly people); epididymitis; priapism. At boys premature puberty, frequent erections, risk of suspension of body height can become perceptible.

Neurologic disturbances: exaltation, confusion, sleeplessness, depressions.

Metabolic disturbances: depression of tolerance to a glucose; augmentation of level of lipoproteins of low density (LPNP); acceleration of removal of creatinine; edemas rather seldom become perceptible because of an insignificant delay of sodium and water; delay of a potassium, calcium and phosphorus. At patients with a long bed rest hypercalcemia can develop.

Others: during puberty zones of bones with a growth inhibition can prematurely be closed.

Drug can seldom cause in women: depression of secretion of Gonadotropinums; virilescence phenomena (acnes, hirsutism, voice coarsening, rising of a libido, disturbance of a menstrual cycle, clitoris hypertrophy, development of a musculation). At pregnant women virilescence of a female fetus can develop. Frequency of these side effects at Turanabol low.

High-quality test

Presence of halogen (chlorine) at a molecule of turinabol allows to reveal a fake even in house conditions. There is a qualitative method of definition of halogens in a sample - Beylstein's test.

Performance of an experiment requires a gas torch (or a spirit-lamp), a copper wire and a sample which we will analyze. The sample is crushed to uniform powder. We bend the end of a copper wire, doing a loop, and we maintain in a torch flame, the greenish shade of a flame won't disappear yet. Further we clean a wire from a flame, we place a dry sample (grain of sand) on an eyelet and again we bring in a torch flame. If it is painted in green color - a positive sample.

Still it is possible to dissolve previously a sample, for example in ethyl alcohol. For this purpose it is necessary to take a small glass, to pour on a bottom literally several drops (alcohol shouldn't be much) and to dissolve in him a small amount of a sample (on a knife tip). The wire falls to the turned-out solution, all the rest as it is described above.

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