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Nutrition for increasing growth hormone

30 Oct 2017

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of growth hormone for the human body. It rejuvenates, eliminates fat and allows you to build muscle. There is a special food for growth hormone, which will ensure its high-quality production in the body.

The right approach to nutrition

Physical stress must necessarily be supplemented by a balanced diet. In this case, two components are important: quality and quantity. By the quality of nutrition means that a person will change his usual daily diet. Nutrition for growth hormone suggests getting rid of fatty, sweet and flour products with a switch to consumption of protein foods.

You can offer a list of products that are considered the best in solving this problem. They restore strength and significantly increase the level of somatotropin in the body: buckwheat and oat porridge, cottage cheese, poultry meat, cheese; Milk, lean beef, legumes, nuts; Veal, fish, chicken eggs.

Complete elimination of fats is unacceptable, as this causes loss of strength, reduced brain efficiency and general CNS depression, but they must be consumed in very limited quantities.

Supplement to the diet for increasing growth hormone

In response to the appearance of sugar in the blood, insulin is released into it, which causes the growth hormone to be produced less intensively. The best secretion of somatotropin is achievable with the use of slow carbohydrates in the form of cereals and similar dishes, and not fast in the form of chocolate, white bread and others. This will ensure the minimization of insulin bursts. Such food for growth hormone will do good.

A number of foods contain slow carbohydrates: legumes; Porridges; Macaroni; Cherry; Peaches; Coarse bread; Oranges; Pears; Tomatoes; avocado; Apples; Spinach. Food with their content is most appropriate in the first half of the day to ensure their quality assimilation.

How many times do you have?

Food for growth hormone should be fractional, it is better to have 5-6 meals, but the amount of food should be less. Three hours before sleep, the stomach should not be overloaded. It is required to consume up to two liters of plain water a day.

As additional stimulators of the process of producing somatotropin, you can call dietary supplements. In this case, there are leaders in the form of amino acids: citrulline, ornithine and arginine. They should be taken clearly dosed in accordance with the instructions on the package.

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