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Nootropics, Semax and Piracetam (Part 3)

20 Oct 2016

Nootropic experiment wit Semax.

Semax mode of action - anti-oxidant, nootropic, anti-hypoxic, cerebroprotective.

Pharmacodynamics Semax has an original mechanism of action neurospecific CNS. Semax has expressed neyrometabolicheskie action manifested even in the appointment of its in very small doses. Higher doses of Semax, keeping the neuro-metabolic properties of low doses, have a pronounced anti-oxidant, anti-hypoxic, angio-protective and neurotrophic effects. Intranasal administration of Semax 4 min penetrate the BBB, and the therapeutic effect of a single injection lasts 20-24 hours, due to its sequential degradation, in which most of the effects of neuropeptide preserved in fragments.

Neuro-metabolic effect - the drug affects the processes associated with the formation of memory and learning. Semax strengthens focus on learning and analyzing information, and improves the consolidation memory trace; improves organism adaptation to hypoxia, cerebral ischemia, anesthesia and other damaging effects. Semax has a stimulating effect on the population of cholinergic neurons of the basal forebrain nuclei. Directional effects of Semax on cholinergic neurons is accompanied by a significant increase in activity of the enzyme acetyl-cholinesterase activity of specific brain structures, which correlates with the improvement of learning and memory formation.

Neuroprotective effect - Semax affects the processes of delayed neuronal death, including local inflammation, the formation of nitric oxide, oxidative stress and dysfunction of trophic factors. Powerful, comparable with the effect of NGF, trophotropic Semax effect on cholinergic neurons of the group in complete medium and in adverse conditions due to deprivation of oxygen and glucose. Semaks genetically includes neurotrophins synthesis - growth regulators and differentiation of neural tissue (BDNF factor).


Semax has a direct effect on the molecular trigger mechanisms to normalize cytokine balance and to increase the level of anti-inflammatory factors, reduces the formation of nitrogen oxide, causing inhibition of lipid peroxidation (LPO), activate the synthesis of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the reduction of cyclic guazin-monophosphate ( cGMP).

Antioxidant, anti-hypoxic action – Semax has a positive effect on the body's adaptation to hypoxia. The ability of the drug to stop the post-hyperventilation EEG effects caused by a compensatory reduction in cerebral blood flow. The preparation is practically non-toxic after a single and long-term administration. Not showing allergic, embryotoxic, teratogenic and mutagenic properties. There has local irritating action

Experiment Semax (Usage for 14 days).

The essence of the experiment was to evaluate the effect of Semax on:
Working memory - memory in a variety of thinking beings that determines the ability to "keep in mind" small pieces of information required for immediate mental activity.
The rate of reaction - human responsiveness to what is happening.
Working memory was measured by means of not difficult game, the essence of which is to remember the sequence of squares, thus it was possible.

Semax beneficial effect on working memory of the brain, as well as the reaction rate. It is difficult to make an objective conclusion, since there was only one subject.

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