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Nootropicos – Biotredin

03 Mar 2017

Effective ways to improve brain function during the session

Exams are in full swing, and you are absolutely exhausted? How to improve brain function, when it seems that all the reserves have been exhausted? Do not despair! There are effective science-based ways to get a little smarter in the short term.

Drink more water. The blood supply to the brain is highly dependent on the physical properties of the blood. In hot weather, stuffy room in the body rapidly loses moisture, which leads to the fact that the blood becomes viscous. Viscous blood can not deliver oxygen to the brain cells the right amount, and take products of metabolism. She just can not get into the smallest capillaries. As a result, the brain loses its capacity, and you feel tired.

Do not overeat. Calories and abundant food takes a long time to digest, and this whole period of the stomach, intestines and digestive glands are intensively supplied with blood. For the active work of the brain just does not have enough resources, and you will be sleepy. Choose light meals and eat small meals in between studying.

Protein and omega-3 will strengthen the neural connections. You will be easier to remember the material and organize it if the body is enough amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3. These elements are part of the cell structure, and intense brain activity is always consumed in large quantities. The sources of easily digestible protein - eggs, fish, seafood, grains, poultry. Useful fatty acids are found in nuts and seeds, oily fish, vegetable oil and butter, lard. These products, rather than sugar, are particularly useful for the brain during the session.

Go to bed no later than 23-00. Night sleep is very important in preparing for the exams, because at this time is the processing of all information received during the day. If, instead of sleep you will learn, you spend a lot of effort, but the result will be spectacular. In the period from 24-00 to 4-00 in the brain produced substances that stimulate the formation of neural connections and increase its capacity.

Forget about energy. Energy drinks, including coffee, contribute to the release of latent resources, and you feel more energetic. But after a short period of time this takes effect, and energy reserves do not have time to recover. Thus, you lose the ability to consistently absorb training material that does not contribute to the rapid preparation for the exam. Coffee, strong sweet tea in large quantities are no longer willing, but the drain on the nervous system, and you lose time in vain attempts to squeeze the maximum out of yourself. In what condition you will get a result on the exam?

Take safe solutions to improve the functioning of the brain. When you need to achieve the greatest good results in a short time, nerve cells need a special energy support. Speed up the metabolism and the formation of neural connections, you can use amino acids, and vitamin B6. The optimal form of these substances are combined in a formulation Biotredin: it consists of the amino acid threonine and pyridoxine (vitamin B6). This increases the potential energy makeup of the brain, and the faster and better you remember all the necessary information.

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