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Nootropic Drug Cortexin – Real help with delayed speech development

13 Jan 2017

Advantages: really helps with speech problems

Disadvantages: injections

my child, who is almost 4 years, almost no talking. For all that his son no neurological or mental disorders, and hearing all right. up to 3 years of diagnosis speech development delay, after three - general underdevelopment of speech of 1 degree.

After a course of Cortexin effect was clear. Initially, the child straight fanatically started folding puzzles, then moved on to board games (lotto games of association, comparison) and only then, jump in speech. Not to say that there was a lot of words, but the vocabulary is very enlarged, and most importantly, there was a great desire to speak.

Except that the drug should be administered intramuscularly, no cons. no side effects. No hyperexcitability or sleep disturbances or tics, nothing of what we had in other drugs!

Personally, I am delighted with “Cortexin”.

Usage time: 1 course - 10 injections

Someone from the Austria - just purchased the goods:
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