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Nootropic Drug Cortexin – helps with dizziness, weakness and headaches

13 Jan 2017

Advantages: drug really helps

Disadvantages: injections a little painful

Because of the weakness, low blood pressure, dizziness and other discomforts in the spring, neurologist prescribed me Cortexin injections.

Cortexin has a complex effect on the body.

The main and most understandable - it's nootropic effect, improves brain function, improved memory, attention, concentration, as well as resistance to various stresses.

Due to the broad spectrum of action and indications for use are wide “Cortexin”:

- Cerebrovascular accident

- Delayed psychomotor and speech development in children

- Head injuries

- Reduced ability to learn

- cerebral palsy

- Different forms of memory, and thought disorder

- epilepsy

The drug is the Russian, it created the Military Medical academy of a name Kirov. Its development and testing has taken almost 30 years.

The drug is diluted with saline and administered intramuscularly.

“Cortexin” drug applicable to both children and adults. It has no contraindications. He has a positive effect on memory and concentration, as a consequence - it increases the ability to learn. But other than that, “Cortexin” strengthens the nerves and increases resistance to stress.

Usage time: 10 days - 1 course

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