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Noben (Idebenone)

15 Dec 2016

Today we have a very unusual preparation - Idebenone, it is sold as a drug Noben in Russia. Unfortunately, it is poorly studied, but its existing effects can be called very promising, but because it is definitely worth a look for brain development project.

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A bit of history.

Unlike some other products, Idebenone was not created by chance, not by mistake, but purposefully. Idebenone was synthesized in the Land of the Rising Sun, in the largest Asian pharmaceutical company, this means that over this drug worked best minds in pharmaceutical direction at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The drug Idebenone has been established for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (memory loss).

How does Idebenone act?

Idebenone is a synthetic analogue of coenzyme Q10. Now we apply the logic of induction method for a better understanding of the drug.

  • 1.Coenzyme Q10 - a vitamin-like substance located in your cells, which has a number of useful properties, which is just what this substance helps produce 95% of ATP, your body's energy.

Coenzyme Q10 is «pure" free radicals. Free radicals trigger the mechanism of lipid peroxidation, it is clear - the domino principle: one molecule affects the other, and the other - the third and so on until 30 times. Because coenzyme Q10 is much accumulates in the liver, heart, kidneys, brain - in those places where a vital need for regular "cleaning." Because Q10 is often used as an anti-aging agent, causing it to, say, on the face.

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  • 2.Japanese craftsmen took this coenzyme and "pumped, improved" it. The result was more than just Coenzyme Q10.
  • 3.The first studies on mice showed improved learning and memory. Mice are better remember images than their relatives. Later studies were conducted on people suffering from various diseases. In general, we can distinguish 5 proven beneficial properties of idebenone: rejuvenation, increased energy, nootropic effect, improving the work of bodies and the fight against toxins. We are interested in nootropics, because further consider nootropic effect.

So, we list nootropic work of Idebenone:

  • Antioxidant effect. The preparation of "pure" free radicals, which are all over the body and especially a lot of them in the brain. It provides not only a healthy functioning body, but also reduces the risk of cancer. Roughly, this effect can be called - Anti-virus for the brain. As a consequence, the brain works better.
  • Idebenone potentially enhances nerve growth factor in the brain (NGF)! It is the most striking effect! Increasing the level of NGF is the creation of new neurons and synapses, ie the connections between Nero. This can lead to better long-term memory and increase neuroplasticity. To help you understand how it's cool, then again the example of a computer: you increase the hard drive and put a better processor.
  • Increases the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is released when a new experience or training. Ie remember something you can on the n-Noe number of percent faster. Piracetam has the same principle of action.

Whether Idebenone is effective?

Yes, but some information about the drug, the answer is formed on the basis of reports on various studies conducted both in animals and in humans. Pronounced nootropic action was in murine studies, the drug was used to people only in accordance with a certain disease. However, there was observed improvement in memory in the elderly.

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Dosage, side effects, safety, how much to drink.

The drug is considered to be fairly safe, except may only be kidney failure. Although renal failure may be a contraindication for any pill that is excreted primarily by the kidneys. Main side effects are allergy, headache and agitation.

Admission of Idebenone usually lasts 6-7 weeks. Initial dosage of 2 tablets (60 mg) per day, after meals. In the absence of side effects within 5-7 days add to 3 tablets (90 mg) per day, last admission is recommended no later than 5 hours before the expected sleep. On completion of the course take a break in 2 months. You can then repeat.

What will be the effect?

Exacerbation of visual, auditory and tactile receptors, or - do you prefer to see, hear and feel. Tinnitus disappears.

Motivation to activity, but not like caffeine or Phenotropil or Phenibut, rather like Piracetam.

Nootropic effect seems very natural and pleasant. Idebenone as an antivirus "cleans" the brain and, presumably, create new neurons. It creates the effect of "new brain" as a child, when the head is still "empty" and it is still possible to score information. Buy online Noben.

More focus on the corpus callosum is a plexus of nerve fibers between the brain hemispheres. This is something that helps you to not just take a computer mouse in the right hand, but also to understand that this is not glass, and even submit it to the imagination, even to human ears. The corpus callosum is committed to help the two brain hemispheres to work synergistically. Idebenone and, incidentally, Piracetam improves the communication between the hemispheres! So do not be afraid to explore the game on a musical instrument, the sense of sound + motor skills + memory will be at altitude.

When waiting for the effect?

The drug is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, pretty good passes the blood-brain barrier. In general, a small surge of cheerfulness can begin after 2 hours. The maximum blood concentration reached in 3-5 hours. Then the decline started.

Nootropic effect, ie memory, attention and "grasp quickly" you should wait for 3 weeks. After discontinuation of the drug effect will continue for 3-4 weeks.

To help Idebenone

The preparation goes well with Piracetam and vitamin B5 - the average speed, the body does not wear out, a good learner. If you are very sick scumbag - that instead of the last - Phenotropil, Caffeine - but it is already present deterioration of the body and an increased risk of side effects. But we recommend the first option, simply because, in the long run, it has more advantageous. Also do not forget to eat right and do sports.

Bottom line:

  • 1.Idebenone is sold in Russia as a drug "Noben". The drug is working nootropic.
  • 2.The effects of "new brain" is after 20 days (without loss of the old, of course), reboot, cleaning "Antivirus" head, light motivation.
  • 3.Effect 2 hours, the duration of up to 8-10 hours - easy cheerfulness. Nootropic effects are after 3 weeks.
  • 4.Take alone or with Piracetam and complex of vitamins (especially important Vitamin B5).
  • 5.Learn a new way, it's time to start drawing / designing / writing. Learn the basics of the guitar, for example. Pull math / Management / programming - another strike.

Good luck, it is never too late to start to do something new!

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