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Niacinum (Nicotinic acid)

15 Dec 2016

Niacinum (nicotinic acid, PP Vitamin, Vitamin Vz, Apelagrin, Induratsin, Liplit, Niatsin, Nikolay, Nicodonum, Niconacidum, Nikoten, Nicovitum, Pellagraminum, Peloninum, Pevitonum, Vitaplexum of N) - the vitamin participating in many oxidizing reactions of living cells. The disadvantage of Niacinum leads to pellagra, a disease which symptoms are dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia (aphrenia).

Effects of Niacinum

In an organism nicotinic acid turns into Nicotinamidum which is bound to the coenzymes of a codegidrogenasa of I and II (NAD and NADF) transferring Hydrogenium participates in a metabolism of fats, proteins, amino acids, purin, tissue respiration, glycogenolysis, biosynthesis processes.

Normalizes concentration of lipoproteins of a blood; in high doses (3-4 g/days) reduces concentration of cholesterol.

Dilates fine vessels (including a brain), improves microcirculation, has weak anticoagulation effect. It improves memory, coordination of movements.

Niacin in sport

According to scientists, Niacin participates in more than 60 metabolic reactions bound to production of energy, thus, this vitamin can be useful at occupations bodybuilding and other sports as the substance increasing productivity. At athletes higher level of Niacinum in a blood after the training is defined, confirming the fact that requirements at athletes are higher. However, even at a diet with the low maintenance of Niacinum and without its additional reception the organism can independently synthesize nicotinic acid from a tryptophan which contains in large numbers in meat of a turkey. You can try Cerluten.

Besides, ability of nicotinic acid to dilate micro vessels allow to improve a delivery of muscles, due to intensifying of a blood flow, strengthens pamping and venous relief.

Fat burners

It is necessary to notice that Niacinum has also a negative side: at high doses (50 - 100 mg) nicotinic acid is bound to the G-interfaced receptor of GPR109A and slows down process of disintegration of fats. Therefore avoid additional reception of Niacinum during weight loss.

In 2010 the World Journal of Gastroenterology magazine published article in which authors found out that consumption of Niacinum can slow down process of combustion of fat. Researchers assumed that it can be also bound to fluctuations of level of a glucose and insulin in a blood that leads to intensifying of appetite and even augmentation of weight.

Despite the last discoveries, Niacinum it is possible to find often in fat burners and pretraining additives.

Niatsin in food

Products rich with RR vitamin: yeast, a liver, nuts, an egg yolk, milk, fish, chicken, meat, bean, buckwheat, the crude grain, green vegetables, peanuts, any proteinaceous food containing tryptophane. Thermal treatment of milk doesn't change in it the content of RR vitamin.

Content of RR vitamin in some foodstuff

Product / Content of RR vitamin, mg / 100 of a product

Yeast dry / 40.0

Bran wheat / 30.0

Liver / 15.0

Cheese / 10-15

Bird / 9-13

Kidneys / 9-10

Hens the 2nd category / 7.8

Grain: buckwheat, millet, oat / 3.0-5.0

Beef / 5.0

Fish / 3.0

Pork / 2.3

Bean / 2.0

Polished rice / 1.6

Recommended doses

The average recommended dose of 2 - 20 mg a day. The dose can be enlarged to 200 mg.

Table of daily norm of consumption of Niacinum (nicotinic acid)

Paul Vozrast Standard daily rate of consumption of nicotinic acid, mg/days

  • Babies up to 6 months 2
  • Babies of 7 - 12 months 4
  • Children of 1 - 3 year 6
  • Children of 4 - 8 years 8
  • Children of 9 - 13 years 12
  • Men of 14 years are also more senior than 16
  • Women of 14 years are also more senior than 14
  • Pregnant women Any age 18
  • The feeding women Any age 17

Side effect

At reception of high doses in (more than 150 mg): dermahemia of the person and the top half of trunk, paresthesia, giddiness, "inflows" of blood to face skin, arrhythmia, orthostatic hypotension, diarrhea, xeroderma and a mucosa of eyes, a hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia, mialgiya, nausea, vomiting, round ulcer, exhausting dermal itch.

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