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Next – pain killer medicine

02 Mar 2017

What brings patients to the doctor?

Pain is the most powerful stimulus that causes the patient to go to the doctor
Statistics says that the pain is still the greatest stimulus that causes a person to go to the doctor. Once the patient is quite a long time will suffer from pain, he is ready to have any nepryatno procedures, as long as doctors have saved him from this painful trouble. However, it often happens that at this point the disease is already running strongly.

pain killer medicine

Acute Pain
The pain is considered acute if it lasts less than 3 months. It is typical for acute injury and various acute infections.

Chronic pain
Chronic pain is called, which lasts 3 - 6 months or longer. It has much more reasons than acute pain.
pain receptors

The nature of the pain is still not well understood.
According to one study suggests that the pain is caused by excessive stimulation of normal sensory nerve endings that are found in the human body. On the other - that there are special nerve endings that respond to pain - so called nociceptors. It may well be true that both theories.

The pain can delay recovery
It turns out that the unresolved pain makes the disease more difficult and longer, because it has a negative effect on the nervous and immune system of the person. Therefore, the struggle with painful feelings is part of a complex struggle with the disease.

How should you deal with the pain?
Effectively control the severe pain is not so simple. In most cases, traditional medicine is powerless when it is necessary to eliminate pain by 100%. Effective pain relief can provide painkillers, sometimes even necessary to resort to the help of narcotic analgesics. It must be remembered that these drugs can be used only on prescription.

The more dangerous painkillers?
Self uncontrolled use of analgesics can be very dangerous for the health
Prolonged and uncontrolled use of seemingly "harmless" anesthetics such as analgin, aspirin, ibuprofen can lead to quite serious consequences. The most frequent complications - is ulcers, gastritis, gastrointestinal bleeding. At high doses, the drug can cause toxic effects on the liver, kidneys and blood formation system.

What are the pain relievers?
What painkillers? As a rule, understand analgesics nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which are used more often than others. This group of drugs provides analgin, ibuprofen, aspirin. All of these drugs have different side effects, so without a doctor's prescription can be taken short term. When severe pain doctor may prescribe drugs that are used in hospitals only in strict accordance with specific protocols.

Alternative means to combat pain
For non-drug methods of struggle with the pain, many people are skeptical. However, they are widely used in many hospitals of the world and represent no less effective alternative local and even general anesthesia. Apply techniques such as acupuncture, massage, different ways of relaxation and even hypnosis.

Modern medicine and pain
Today adopted the principle of treating "pain-free" in many clinics around the world.
Doctors are trying to pick up a treatment plan and diagnosis, to apply such technologies, which allow the maximum to avoid every kind of pain and discomfort. anesthesia techniques are improved and become safer. Many hospitals are specialists who deal exclusively with the pain and fight it.

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