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Next – OTC Pain killer

01 Mar 2017

What is known about the science of pain

Scientists can not explain what a pain
When you feel pain - you know exactly what it is. But if scientists are completely understand the mechanisms of action of pain - they could more effectively fight it. Pain is defined as "a kind of unpleasant sensation, and reaction to this feeling." Sometimes it is caused visible damage, sometimes it is caused by nerves that are not so easy to locate. The pain is too complex and create a precise definition is impossible. This is more than passing signal from the nerve. Pain encompasses a complex of emotions, cultural facilities, experience, spirit and sensation.

OTC pain killer

Chronic pain reduces the brain
If you are experiencing chronic pain, you probably know how hard its impact physically and mentally. It can restrict your actions, and cause irritation for reasons absolutely understandable to others. But this is only part of the effect. People with chronic back pain have brains 11% smaller than healthy. This fact was announced by scientists after research in 2004. Why is it so - is unknown. Perhaps this is due to constant stress. You can also like Ladasten.

Migraine related to sex
Of course, the phrase "my dear, I have a headache today," it does not cancel, but in 2006 scientists proved that sexual desire people suffering from migraines, 20% more than those who suffer from headaches due to pressure . Scientists suggest that sexual desire and migraine may be influenced by the same substance in the brain. This could potentially lead to improved treatment, at least that part of the connection, which concerns pain. 

Women feel more pain
Any man who has seen childbirth without anesthesia, may swear that women are able to withstand anything. The truth is that in fact women feel such pain that men can not and submit. Women have more nerve receptors, than in men. On a square centimeter of skin in women account for 34 nerve fiber, while the male only 17. According to a study of 2005 women feel more pain for life, in more places and for more time than men.

Some animals do not feel pain
Research animals may well shed light on the pain experienced by a person and give tips how to get rid of it. Here, for example, naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber). This bald and almost completely blind subterranean dweller does not feel pain from acid and hot pepper. If researchers can establish why, they can develop effective painkillers that work for people in similar situations. But lobsters feel no pain at all. Even when they are cooked. They have become one exception among the animals after a study conducted in 2005 year.

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