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Neuro-Communicators, neuro-controllers, neuroprosthesis, exoskeletons

29 Oct 2016

Neuroscientist Dr. Doping tells about capabilities of the brain, neural interface technologies and experiments with a cybernetic arm.

What are the difficulties faced by scientists when registering the electrical activity of the brain? How is the manipulator? In what situations neurons rebuild their activity?

The brain is the most complex, the most incredible and most advanced material in nature. The brain is a physical object, super complicated in structure and function. He drew the matter to himself. The brain - is the subject of the universe, which is built inside a model of the universe, and a working model, we live by this model. I can not take a step without having considered it in its model.

To improve learning and memory abilities of brain – use nootropic drugs: Cerebrolysin, Nootropil, PhenylpiracetamPeptides Pinealon, Semax.

Interfaces "brain-computer" - is such a technology that allows you to communicate with the outside world without nerves and muscles. This is a very strong statement, because the brain has a lot of sensory inputs but only one output. We can express itself only in one type of output - muscle. And here it is assumed that the muscle is no alternative. It is necessary to make an artificial way out of the brain so that the brain can tell us about yourself.

How are the neuro-communicators? Man is presented on the display matrix of symbols, each cell in the matrix to some symbol. All characters winking very quickly, but so that the two characters are not winking at the same time. Further collected and recorded EEG cortical reaction winks each of these characters. If I'm interested in some kind of a symbol, the reaction will be a little different. Next is to make the catalogs reactions to all the letters to quickly search among them the one that is very different from all other reactions, and thus, we can assume that perhaps this reaction - just the character that I was interested in at the moment.

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