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14 Dec 2016

Producer: Neo Labs Ltd.

Active ingredient: synthetic analog of natural peptide hormone of melanocortin.

Release form: bottles on 10 mg in packaging on 10 bottles.


Neothane (Melanotan-2 trademark) is the synthetic analog of natural peptide hormone of melanocortin which stimulates and increases suntan of skin by means of stimulation of development of a pigment of melanin. For the first time Melanotan was synthesized at University of Arizona. Scientists conducted researches and were convinced that direct entering of hormone in a human body is in an efficient manner suntan without sunshine. In May, 2010 the Italian Medical Agency (AIFA - Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco) became the first state organization in the field of health care which approved Melanotan as means for reduction of sensitivity by a sunlight.

Application: In bodybuilding medicine is used for receipt of beautiful suntan without the damaging action of UF-radiation. It is applied also to combustion of fat, increase in a libido and prevention of a melanoma (skin cancer). You can also like Cerluten.

Solution of medicine is entered hypodermically by means of the insulin syringe or bezygol injector of Neojex™. It is possible to refrigerate the prepared doses in syringes. Repeated freezing isn't allowed. Side effects and contraindications:

Side effects of Melanotana-2 are still well not studied. This medicine has exciting properties.

Dosage: The medicine Neotan™ is applied on 1 mg daily to a necessary shade of suntan. Results are shown gradually within 1-3 weeks. For acceleration of pigmentation it is possible to visit sunbed (to 3 times a week) or to sunbathe in the sun. On reaching the necessary shade use of medicine needs to be reduced to 1-2 times a week (medicine won't be necessary to some people for maintenance of the achieved result at all; will be suntan in sunbed or in the sun enough).

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