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04 Nov 2016

Anthropologist tells about Neanderthal’s anatomy, extinction theories and the disappearance of the Neanderthals. What crops have been created by Neanderthals? What are the main features of the anatomical structure of the Neanderthal? What are the theory of the extinction of the Neanderthals? And what are the reasons for their disappearance?

Neanderthals is a remarkable phenomenon in the history of human origin. Neanderthals - it's kind of an alternative humanity, people who lived in Europe and western Asia (the Middle East to Central Asia, Altai, inclusive), which developed a relatively isolated and independent for hundreds of thousands of years, without any special ties with other mankind, which at the same time there elsewhere. Our ancestors at this time living in Africa, Asia, and Europe and Western Asia were territories Neanderthals. To improve brain – use Phenotropil, SelankNeuromidine, Cogitum, Picamilon, Nootropil and Vinpotropile.

Already in the XX century geneticists have decoded the genome of the Neanderthal. But the first Neanderthal Genome Project revealed that Neanderthals differ too much from us. And thus, it was alleged that they were nothing to us do not have, that is, it is made independent lines of evolution, which died out safely. But when was decoded (and it specifies the time, virtually every year there are new articles on this topic) gene not only mitochondrial, but also nuclear, it became clear that all the same modern humans have Neanderthal genes, but they are distributed very interesting, because sub-Saharan Africans is almost no Neanderthal genes. And the rest of the world's population - not only that it is all entirely reducible to a single East African populations in the genetic sense - also contains from 1% to 4% Neanderthal genes. This percentage can be considered in different ways: by nucleotides alleles.

Most recently, in the 2010s, have been carried out, in particular, the study of Neanderthal child skeleton of Mezmaiskaya cave in the Caucasus Petrograd by archaeologists, anthropologists, which show that in Mezmaiskaya cave on the number of Neanderthals apparently just capital affect eruption volcanoes. That is one of the strongest evidence of the catastrophic hypotheses Neanderthals extinction. On the other hand, there is a parking lot in the European Arctic, showing that Neanderthals lived rather late, after these catastrophic eruptions. Maybe some groups of Neanderthals remained very late, when already almost all of Europe was occupied by Cro-Magnons. In fact, archaeological data from other regions show slightly different picture. In southern Europe, it may have been a mass extinction (it is possible that the first Cro-Magnons and there as safely extinct), and in the north, in Siberia, in Altai, some Neanderthal groups could persist for a long time. In Spain, known for such a situation with the "border of the Ebro": almost the same time, on the north bank of the Ebro lived Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals lived on the south - the most recent, but in very bad conditions (there were edaphic - dry, dry - steppe ). And there lived on the last Neanderthals. Revealing the last time the existence of the Neanderthals - it is now the most interesting point in this area.

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