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Nature of sleep

22 Oct 2016

The biologist says REM sleep, the intensive work of the brain during dreaming and sleep deprivation. What are the different phases of sleep? How does our brain and internal organs during sleep? Why man needs sleep?

With the discovery of REM sleep, all the idea of sleep and wakefulness overturned. It became obvious that a person does not sleep at all monotonous condition was thought long and very complicated process, in which there are strict cyclicity. Each cycle has a slow phase and REM sleep and REM sleep there is the phase step. These concepts - cycles, phases and stages - the three pillars on which the edifice built somnology.

Night sleep is very rigidly structured. When we fall asleep, we are immersed in the hour and a half cycles. Most people are less than five cycles - 7.5 hours (the proverbial 8-hour sleep). But some people need a sixth cycle, and 8.5 hours, it is not enough. There are people who fit into fewer hours and have time to go through all the necessary processes for three or four cycles. However, the dream of five cycles - feature of most people associated with the genetic structure, and not to our habits or laziness as we previously thought.

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No one imagined that during sleep we regularly, every half hour, firstly, have dreams, and secondly, these dreams are associated with extremely high activation of the brain, and the muscular system is completely switched off, ie the person is paralyzed, and the brain while only roughly works, something is going through, and these experiences are reflected in the dream that we dream. This condition, too, apparently, is vital, because the pilot attempted deprivation show that animals can not stand such experiments, it starts to affect their behavior, to break while you are awake and in the end leads to death of the animals.

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