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Natrium thiosulfuricum

14 Dec 2016

Natrium thiosulfuricum is chemical compound, represents colourless transparent granules or flavourless crystals, saltish and bitter on taste, very easily soluble in water (1:1), almost insoluble in alcohol. People of the senior generation, being engaged in the photo both showing films and the printing photos, perfectly remember that Natrium thiosulfuricum was a part of a fixative. In addition, Natrium thiosulfuricum is widely used as a chemical reactant for iodine definition (iodometry), in the textile industry, etc. areas. And in medicine Natrium thiosulfuricum is applied as the desensitizing, anti-inflammatory and antitoxic medicine. Antitoxic action is based on unique ability of this drug to form nontoxic bonds — Sodium sulfitums with arsenic, thallium, Hydrargyrum, lead. Has properties of an antidote in relation to aniline, benzene, iodine, bromine, copper, cyanhydric acid, corrosive sublimate, Phenolums.

Sodium thiosulphate is entered mainly intravenously (in the form of 10-30% solution) at allergic diseases, arthritises, dermatoses and poisonings. Outwardly — for treatment of scabies (antiscabetic activity is caused by ability to break up in acidic environment with formation of sulfur and sulphurous anhydride which make the damaging impact on an itch mite and his eggs).

Solution works as laxative, strengthens an intestine peristalsis, causing a colliquation and augmentation of volume of its contents, thereby, accelerating process of removal of slags of an organism and restoring the broken functions of organs. At the same time process of absorption of toxicants through a mucosa of an intestine is slowed down and their entering in blood is late. You can also like Vazalamin.

Usually the course of purification is calculated on 10–12 days, accept on 10–20 ml 30% of solution of Natrium thiosulfuricum (depending on the body weight and an acceptability) for the night divorced in a half-glass of water. Taste of drink so bitterest and soapy, but it is possible to have a snack a potion on a lemon slice. Normal at daybreak has to poslabit easily.

During the abstersive course it is desirable to limit itself in a delivery of meat-and-milk products and to enlarge liquid consumption, especially drinks from an admixture of juice of the citrus (grapefruit + orange + a lemon) half diluted with water. Citrus juice is vitamin-rich, antioxidants and is excellent cleaners of vessels. If in days of reception of sodium thiosulphate you in addition to it carry out purgation by clysters, then considerably will accelerate removal of toxic substances.

Natrium thiosulfuricum quickly takes out a hangover state, sharply improves a mental state at topers, tearing off thirst for alcohol.

Positively reception of Natrium thiosulfuricum acts on patients with hypertonic, polyvalent allergies, asthma, osteochondrosis, diseases of a liver, pancreas, mastopathy and fibromyomas of a uterus.

There is scientific research confirming that by means of Natrium thiosulfuricum drug resistant forms of tuberculosis (a research of scientific research institute of tuberculosis of Moscow), purulent wounds, atherosclerosis and even sharply proceeding schizophrenia are successfully treated.

Sodium thiosulphate can be accepted and preventively, especially in zones of ecological catastrophe, in large megalopolises, on harmful productions.

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