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14 Dec 2016

Naringin is a vegetable flavonoid which is found in a citrus. The maximum quantity contains grapefruit which of peel it is received. Naringin impacts to grapefruit bitter relish. It is used in sports additives for weight loss, is more rare as a flavoring component of chewing gums and drinks.

Naringenin, Naringin


When passing through an intestines wall naringenincompletely turns in naringenin, also intestinal micro flora participates in it. Chemical difference of substances is that naringenin contains two or more additional molecules of glucose that allows plants to keep energy thus. Intestines bacteria, chipping off carbohydrates receive thus energy.

Most often in sports additives meets naringin as its production less costly. In researches it was determined what naringin has even some superiorities in pharmacokinetics, in comparison with naringeniny.

Use for weight loss

Naringenin suppresses such enzymes of a liver as P450, CYP3A4 and CYP1A2 cytochrome) which metabolize (blast) medicines. Therefore, first of all, naringin joins in additives to strengthen and prolong action of other components (though interaction with caffeine was disproved). At the same time improvement of absorption of some components from an intestine also becomes perceptible.

Naringin suppresses appetite. For this reason at weight loss it is very often recommended to consume grapefruits. There is even a series of grapefruit diets. You can also like Epifamin.

Contrary to the occurring opinion, narginin doesn't exert direct impact on combustion of fat.

Sports delivery:

  • Atro-Phex (BSN)
  • Thermonex (BSN)

Other effects of naringenin

Naringenin possesses a wide range of biological activity, so are at the moment proved:

  • Suppression of enzymes of a liver, prolongs and strengthens effect of other pharmacological substances.
  • Antioxidatic action.
  • Depression of level of cholesterol and lipids of blood.
  • Antitumoral action of naringenin is proved.
  • Strengthens capillaries (increases elasticity).
  • Increases cognitive functions.

Side effects

Considering what naringin oppresses tsitokhroma, undesirable interactions with medicines are possible. The liver is destroyed more slowly by medicinal substance and its concentration in blood raises that can cause side effects. Also naringenin influences absorption of some medicines, increasing or reducing speed. For this reason experts don't recommend to wash down drugs with citrus juice, especially grapefruit.


The usual dose of naringin used in researches in public makes 400-500 mg, twice a day together with food. However as a part of complex additives doses within 50-100 mg are usually used.

One liter of grapefruit juice contains about 800 mg of naringin, that is an average daily dose. 

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