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Nandrobol 250

14 Dec 2016

Nandrobol (Nandrobol 250) is composite medicine which 4 different air of nandrolon contain in concentration of 250 mg/ml dissolved in oil. Lyka Labs producer. Differs from a classical Sound board in quick start of action and shorter period of removal. In case of creation of a rate it is recommended to combine with testosterone medicines. For prevention the sound board - is wild is applied against the background of Dostineks. Do not forget take Oftalamin for better results.

Structure of 1 ml:

  • Nandrolon propionate of 50 mg
  • Nandrolon fenilpropionat 50 mg
  • Nandrolon tsipionat 50 mg
  • Nandrolon decanoat 100 mg

Anabolic profile

  • Activity: 7-10 days
  • Dosages: Men of 250-500 mg/week.
  • Acne: Yes, in case of high dosages or individual sensitivity
  • Water delay: High, but below, than from testosterone
  • Hepatoxicity: No
  • Aromatization: Low, it is converted into a low-active nortestosteron
  • DHT converting: No, it is converted into NOR-DGT with low activity
  • HPTA function suppression: Very high
  • Other: High anabolic/moderate androgenic activity


Nandrolon 250 is acomponent medicine consisting of 4 air which joins one by one and operate evenly on an extent about 1 week. In one ml 250 mg of active ingredient, unlike a sound board (200 mg/mg). Air has various length of chains and therefore comes after a prick from a muscle to blood with various speed

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