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01 Nov 2016

Moksonidin, Moxonidine, Moxonidinum (Physiotens) - the antihypertensive (lowers arterial pressure) possessing a series of advantages to athletes. It is available under the following trademarks: Physiotens (Physiotens) from Solvey Phatma (Germany), Moksogamma (Moxogamma), Moxonitex, Tenzotran.

Moksonidin, Moxonidine, Moxonidinum, Physiotens

Moxonidine in sport

The main function of this drug consists in a lowering of arterial pressure. It is known that hypertonia a frequent problem in sport which often demands drug treatment to avoid potential complications. Moxonidine is the optimum choice in bodybuilding and sport. The mechanism of action is bound to exaltation of receptors in the central nervous system. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

Activation the imidazolinovykh of receptors results in the following effects:

  • the inhibition of a sympathetic innervation (abirritating action)
  • depression of secretion of catabolic hormones
  • microcirculation improvement (due to vasodilating action)
  • depression of level of arterial pressure
  • rising of secretion of anabolic hormone of insulin and improvement of power supply of tissues
  • intensifying of a lipolysis (combustion of fat)
  • reduction of production of lactic acid

In addition, Moxonidine reduces resistance to insulin, slightly conceding to Metforminum, thus strengthening anabolic effect of this hormone. One more positive moment, like Clophelinum, moksonidin is capable to strengthen secretion of own hormone of body height at 40-50 times. At the same time drug doesn't cause side effects of Clophelinum.

Dosage and regimen of reception

Regimen of administration of drug is selected individually, before normalization of level of arterial pressure. Usually recommend to accept it twice a day in the morning and in the evening — on 0,2 mg. The maximum single dose - 0,4 mg. The maximum daily dosage makes 600 mkg in 2 receptions.


Use of Moxonidine in combination with other antihypertensives leads to intensifying of effect. Exponentiates sedative action of tranquilizers, antidepressants, alcohol, hypnagogues.

Side effects

The general shipping of Moxonidine is estimated as good, at most of patients side effects don't develop at all. Can serve as the main disadvantage for athletes oppressing action on the central nervous system that is shown by depression of physical activity during the training. Besides:

  • Central nervous system: often - a headache, giddiness (vertigo), a sleepiness; infrequently - a syncope.
  • Cardiovascular system: infrequently - the expressed depression of the ABP, orthostatic hypotension, a bradycardia.
  • Alimentary system: very often - dryness in a mouth; often - a diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, a dyspepsia.
  • Skin: often - a dermal eruption, an itch; infrequently - a Quincke's disease.
  • Mentality: often - sleeplessness; infrequently - nervousness.
  • Organs of hearing: infrequently - a ring in ears.
  • Musculoskeletal system: often - a dorsodynia; infrequently - pain in a neck.
  • From an organism in general: often - an asthenia; infrequently - peripheric edemas.

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